Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
I'm not a big fan of Iced Earth any more, and I only listen to BG once every couple months. But what the hell? This album is pretty fucking spectacular. I put it on in the car last night (haven't listened to it since 2002 I bet) and it rocked my cock. I was especially blown away by the Medieval chanting at the end of "Heaven Denies." "Fiddler on the Green" as well, with it's vocal harmonies ("To be with you...") sorta like Savatage or NIME. AND THERE ARE GUITAR SOLOS! This is something that always pissed me off about Iced Earth; too many of those songs call for mindblowing fretboard action, yet the listener is left with blue balls as most of the solos are just placeholders. Didn't Jon once say he didn't like one of his guitarists because he wanted to "noodle around too much" by playing solos? What a jank. He just doesn't want another guitarist to show him up on stage. How did I get on an Iced Earth rant? And why is "Changes" playing, seeing as I usually skip right to "Supernaut"?
It's a good album. I've never heard faster riffing than that in "Heaven Denies". His hands are like machine gun triggers shooting down elves.

"Fiddler on the Roof" is good too.
JayKeeley said:
It's a good album. I've never heard faster riffing than that in "Heaven Denies". His hands are like machine gun triggers shooting down elves.

"Fiddler on the Roof" is good too.
"Fiddler on the GREEN".

There are some really good songs on this album, and it's pretty solid all the way through. I didn't realize it was actually respected by so many people on here.
Is this better than their second release? Touched by The Crimson King(sounds like a law suit...)I thought that album was pretty lame.
Yes, it is.

Edit: Though there are some good tracks on that one too, and I like the Dark Tower theme.
People accuse Jon Schaffer of writing the same riffs over and over. Be that as it may, surely he's one of the greatest rhythm guitarists out there (aside from songwriting/lyricist duties). On certain tracks, his picking / palm muting is tight as hell and fast as lightning for what he's playing.

Anyway, listening to the 2nd D&W right now....and my goodness, it sucks balls. What a wasted effort. Before going to press, surely they must have listened to the final product in complete disappointment. This album should have been shelved until better material came along.