Demons & Wizards???

Haha, that's pretty happy!! Thinking about it makes me sad!! So far away!!!!

:) Awwwww....
Don't be sad :( It'll come and be gone again before you know it!! Enjoy this time leading up to it and being excited!! :)
Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess

:) Awwwww....
Don't be sad :( It'll come and be gone again before you know it!! Enjoy this time leading up to it and being excited!! :)
Haha, can't get excited.. so far away!! Well... I'll have the new Iced Earth Album early next year to keep my tied over until the new D&W album! :lol:
Originally posted by ShaneBarnes1982

Haha, can't get excited.. so far away!! Well... I'll have the new Iced Earth Album early next year to keep my tied over until the new D&W album! :lol:

WHAT-ever! :rolleyes:

You can SO get excited!!! :D :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: Seeeeee?
Do you guys really think they will play Demons & Wizards stuff? Blind Guardian does not even have a headlining spot due to them having to fly out early the next morning... time is certainly an issue here. It just seems like they would want to play their own material, this being their first USA show and all.
Hey Tess, it's me! There is only bad girl named Tess from Texas!

Anyway, a D&W set would be nice...

I am very excited to a part of the first group of people to see Blind Guardian's first ever North American show, it will truly be a special night...hopefully a few D&W tunes will pop out...
Originally posted by ShaneBarnes1982

Oh alright!!! :D :D :D :D New D&W album late next year.. so close!!! Im excited :D

There ya go! :) :D :) Now was that SO hard? ;)
Hiya Euro Metal Fan Man ;) how YOU doin? :D
I really really HOPE they play some D&W songs... or at LEAST one. I know it's their first America show and they don't have a headlining spot blah blah... but to me, D&W is part of BG and SHOULD be played!! Yay! Oh well...
I'll be happy either way :) I'm always happy huh?! :p
Now it's tough to decide...they played 'And Then There Was Silence' at all the Japan shows and @ Wacken, but it took them around 15-16 minutes rather than the studio 14 or so. I want to hear that epic tune, but maybe not at the expense of a Demons & Wizards song or two...can I have both? :D
Originally posted by progboy216
Do you guys really think they will play Demons & Wizards stuff? Blind Guardian does not even have a headlining spot due to them having to fly out early the next morning... time is certainly an issue here. It just seems like they would want to play their own material, this being their first USA show and all.

I kind of agree on the 'own material' point, but even though they're not the final band, they DO have 90 minutes, barely shorter than their 16-17 song headlining shows from Europe, including Wacken from this past weekend.
Wow, they played ATTWS in Japan?!?! God, I kinda hope they play that too....

You know what, after the next D&W album, I think, and hope, that there will be SOME U.S. dates that will give us a chance to hear all the songs from D&W...but when's the next time you will see if I had to chose between ATTWS and some D&W tunes, I would have to go with may never hear that song again...
Originally posted by Euro Metal Fan
so if I had to chose between ATTWS and some D&W tunes, I would have to go with may never hear that song again...

Uh... that's because YOU SUCK!! Kidding, kidding....
I just REALLY REALLY REALLY want some D&W I may never get to see THEM live and this may be my ONLY chance ever ever!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
I always get what I want ;)
Kidding, Kidding again....
kind of :p
They MUST play ...and then there was silence, it's my absolute favorite BG song. Then they can play as many DandW tunes as they want, just keep Bright Eyes and Imaginations from the other side in the set.

I also choose ATTWS if I was given a choice between the two. Though I hear it's played without any orchestration at all, so I'm curious to how it'll sound. I honestly don't think anything off of ANATO will sound THAT great live. I hope they prove me wrong!
Originally posted by Change of a Mem
They MUST play ...and then there was silence, it's my absolute favorite BG song. Then they can play as many DandW tunes as they want, just keep Bright Eyes and Imaginations from the other side in the set.

I also choose ATTWS if I was given a choice between the two. Though I hear it's played without any orchestration at all, so I'm curious to how it'll sound. I honestly don't think anything off of ANATO will sound THAT great live. I hope they prove me wrong!

I don't disagree with you here. There's FAR too much going on during ANATO for it to be properly replicated live. Though I hear Rhapsody manages quite well, so who knows? BG doesn't play either 'Precious Jerusalem' or 'Battlefield' live though, so whatever we get, we get. Personally, I'd LOVE to hear the EXACT SAME set they got at Wacken. It's brilliant!