Dental Surgery


Mar 6, 2007
That's what I looked like a couple hours ago laying in the chair. For several years I've put off getting anything done to my teeth simply because I couldn't afford it and it was easier to take antibiotics and pain killers whenever it got bad enough I couldn't stand the pain anymore.
Thanks to my woman making a phone call and getting me an emergency appointment, today I had my 2 upper wisdom teeth removed as well as the start of a root canal and crown on a molar directly in front.
Unfortunately I dont have any pics and I was so spaced after everything that I forgot to ask to keep my teeth (to make a necklace ALL HAIL TRUE METAL) I'll be damned if she (doc) didn't give me 8 or 9 shots and I could STILL feel that drill hitting nerves when she drilled out the molar to insert the antibiotic and place a temp filling over it. The local is starting to wear off and I can't get the taste of blood out of my mouth.
The coolest part of it all was feeling that CRACK when the tooth jarred loose from my skull but the entire time I couldn't help imagining the tool she used to pry with slipping from my already decayed teeth and stabbing me in the throat. In the back of my mind I was trying to prepare for being rushed to the ER for multiple stab wounds which explains why a couple times she stopped to ask if I was alright because of the noises I made while freaking out. After all was said and done my woman explained they assumed I was in pain and apparently she told them I was just worried.
If I can get this stupid cd to upload the xray I'll post that on here because...
well, what audio engineer doesn't want to look at an xray of another dude's mouth.
Hahahahahaha, helluva story man - I'm amazed you were awake for it, when I got my 4 wisdom teeth out (simultaneously) I was out cold. And imagining the doctor's face when he was told the neck patient had multiple stab wounds inside his throat is a pretty hysterical mental image...
I loath having my mouth worked on. Don't care how much more it will cost if I ever need major work done again I am getting knocked the fuck out!

I had to have a root canal done when I was 6 years old on my front tooth because I was playing hide and go seek with my cousin and he was behind a door. When I was walking into the room he yelled "surprise" (I will never forget that :lol:) and swung the doorknob into my face knocking my front tooth in half.

I had some asshole specialist in Syracuse do the work and he was a fuck ass. I swear you have to be a sadist to be a dentist.
teeth and molar aches are the death!!
I lived a similar situation last year, had a infected molar and that pain made me cry like a baby, is so intense, you feel like your head will explode, terrible
Hahahahahaha, helluva story man - I'm amazed you were awake for it, when I got my 4 wisdom teeth out (simultaneously) I was out cold. And imagining the doctor's face when he was told the neck patient had multiple stab wounds inside his throat is a pretty hysterical mental image...

Yeah man I was awake but medicated to an extent. Had some Panadeine Forte when I woke up but it was starting to wear off by the time of my appointment. I just got a local, well I lost count around 7 anyway, and then the whole lot took about 30-45 minutes to apply numbing gel (which I found quite nice compared to growing up in America and the dentists just gave the shot and walked off) shooting up, drilling the decay out of a molar, inserting antibiotic into the molar, temp filling, and then removing 2 wisdom teeth.
The assistant came over to hold my head still so the doc could pry my teeth out which only aided to my imagination running wild with the stab-wound fantasy.
Hey, thats kinda catchy "Stab Wound Fantasy"... sounds like a metal song I should write.
I loath having my mouth worked on. Don't care how much more it will cost if I ever need major work done again I am getting knocked the fuck out!

I had to have a root canal done when I was 6 years old on my front tooth because I was playing hide and go seek with my cousin and he was behind a door. When I was walking into the room he yelled "surprise" (I will never forget that :lol:) and swung the doorknob into my face knocking my front tooth in half.

I had some asshole specialist in Syracuse do the work and he was a fuck ass. I swear you have to be a sadist to be a dentist.

I hate it too man, I had been living with the pain for about 5 or 6 years. The only reason I had this done was because my chick called and made an appointment, if it was up to me I would have just munched some more pain killers and called it a day. :lol: :kickass: The story about your cousin sounds classic dude :lol:

Ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? Steve Martin comes to mind about now
teeth and molar aches are the death!!
I lived a similar situation last year, had a infected molar and that pain made me cry like a baby, is so intense, you feel like your head will explode, terrible

I know how you feel man :Puke:
I was working 6 nights a week at the same time battling the pain from this for the better part of a year before I came to Oz. I'm pretty lucky I never got seriously injured at work or stuck anything in a machine by accident. Making less than 7 dollars an hour doesn't exactly help to afford any dental work either.

Did you get knocked out for it too? Assuming you had them removed traditionally and not some horrible accident that only affected your wisdom teeth :lol: