Depressing, Sorrowful, Misanthropic Black Metal: Let's Discuss


So anyway, the Animus CD "Poems for the Aching, Swords for the Infuriated" is on sale at Dark Symphonies.


Any thoughts from anyone? Great reviews at metal-archives :erk: and perhaps more importantly, Oaken Throne.
Animus is great! Apparently it is one guy from Israel making super buzzy trance inducing bm. His cd is six long untitled tracks... get it!

Bilskirnir is great.. amazing vocals... I would definitely put him in this category... but you could also lump him in the NSBM catergory. Apparently he has some aliases... Ulfhethnar and Odelegger? Haven't heard those though.
Oh yeah... Mortifera is ridiculous! Great band... very somber. I saw another of the threads on here dedicated to Neige so obviously all are up on his other bands! All of which are great imo. The new Alcest sounds like it may be amazing.
Giving Kladovest a quick spin now - sounds very Xasthur-esque...

EDIT: Right, based solely on first impressions (i.e. listening to the first two tracks or so by each of the three bands you posted material by), Raventale >> Selvmord >>>>>> Kladovest. We'll see how it pans out though. :)

EDIT THE SECOND: Okay, I was actually intending to go to the pub or something, but I'm still sitting here listening to Raventale. It reminds me a lot of Drudkh (most likely because both are from Ukraine), but with more of a melancholic doom bent to some of the riffage.
Raventale sounds the most interesting and depressing, imo. They also seem to be more melodic. Gonna contact them and tell about your comments ;)
seriously, this is utter brilliance. tell me where I can buy Raventale!! They don't even have a website. I assume it's a self-release.

I bet most people here would go ga-ga over this.