Some months ago me and Shannon start to talk, and we talked a lot, we had many things in common. Shannon have a dream, and wen she told me what was it, i personally considered maybe "too high" at that moment.
Back then i had my head up high, living my life, but shit happens, and in my case, only shit happens and i totaly lost the 'will'. But about a week ago, i came to realize that Shannon's greatest dream was comming together, she is definitly a tought and dedicated woman and i'm sure she will succeed. (just to make it clear, no! i didn't had anything with Shannon beside friendship, from my side at least). Being so, i have decided to kick some ass and give
them hell. Anyone who was kind enought to remeber my words, know how my situation is. Either if i succeed or fail, i'll end up in Vahalla =P
I banned myself cuz i have much to do and i won't waste my time here

work comes before the fun kiddos
Shannon@ i do not know what made you change since the last time we talked, i have no idea why you change your opinion about my person, since its been more than a month that we don't even talk, if i did something wrong, i apologize, but what its done its done. I'll delete you from msn and Myspace, if you feel more comfortable with. Thank you nonetheless.
Sara@ i do apologize for my behavior in the previous weeks, it was a dumb joke i know, but nonetheless i was truly astonished by your remarkable beauty and definitely high ranked in my own personal opinion. Happly i was pleased to see in this forum, three of the most pleasant faces i have the pleasure to look at, Elisa is doubtless one of them and a third, that i won't mention.
For those that keeps on with the pedo stuff@ i serious recomend to gain a own personality, its good for you as a human and a man. But that doesn't change the fact that you're all right, i did raped all your little sisters, but only cuz they kept asking for more =/
For everyone else@ i did had a great time here, lots of memories with great people, and some not so great of course, but nonetheless i do not regret joining here. I meet some really good friends. I still use msn and myspace, i request if anyone wants to add myspace, use it to talk, and not just to be another square in your page.
This post by any form was meant to be sarcastic, it is a true statement. I highly doubt anyone will give a shit, hence my former user-name and this thread.

Semper Fi