Describe The Indescribable


Feb 23, 2006
The Hague - Netherlands
Hello Katatonia Fans,
I'm starting this thread because I would like for everyone here to describe what is almost indescribable... How does Katatonia's music make you feel..
How do you experience certain songs and albums...
I discovered Katatonia about a year ago and I'm still absolutely taken away every single time I hear their music.
My first song was Evidence.I was on vacation in France in the winter in a little village in the mountains. I was rather isolated and depressed and had only my computer with some music and the white laced landscapes around me...
When I first heard Evidence I Immediatly hit the repeat button and listend to it non-stop. It's so hard to describe the feeling I got from (the rest of Viva Emptiness wich I of course franticly downloaded -sorry but remember I was in france in a very little village with no possibility to go out and buy myself a cd-
and the song Evidence. It was as if I finally had found the music of my own world... This world that I somethimes slip away in when I feel down or alone.
Katatonia has even extended this world in such a painfully and beautifull way...I can actually visualize landscapes with certain songs and totally drift away ...
Damn I have to stop now cuz im in an internet cafe...
And its closing down:p
But I would really really want everyone to describe their own particular feeling when they listen to Katatonia.. I'm very curious how people experience the different styles and different songs...
and the ever so wonderfull dark melacholic music...
I reallllly have to go now but I'll be back later to write some more ;)
Hope you guys spill your guts here!
My perfect atmosphere for listening to Katatonia is truly smoldering summer afternoons, when the sun finally begins to cast extremely long shadows and turns red/orange, but isn't set yet. It's even better in either an urban setting or some mildly landscaped suburban place. I guess that was drilled into my head from last summer, but... nothing really beats that. Last Fair Deal was my first Katatonia album, and I listened to it non-stop last summer, and especially during that time of the day, so it got drilled right into my head.
I can't end a day without doing 2 things: (seriously)

1) Praying to God before going to sleep
2) Listening to (at least) one Katatonia album (usually late at night)
There has already been a similar thread like this, ''define katatonic''. Katatonia makes me feel the most times depressed but not in a negative way, more melancholic than depressed I could say. It's very personal, it's not just depressing music it's something more, it means something special to each listener. Read the posts in the other thread too If you want to find out more about how someone feels when he/she is listening a katatonia song.
Typhon said:
I don't think so either, I just enjoy Katatonia, It doesn't make me feal anythinh in particular.

that's sad... music should actually make you feel something. especially katatonia!
Well...also hard to describe..Most effective is to listen katatonia in the rainy summer day about's something absolutely amazing...feeling like the end of the world is coming, but you're somehow happy, and barely can wait for it...Strange...:)

I listen Katatonia every morning and every time I need to return to life. Hope you understand me :) You can't imagine how "Indescribable" to listen Katatonia in extremely cold russian winter mornings. This music is born to win our hearts.
Once I saw them in live show in Moscow, I love them ...
Since I am a musician, I can say Katatonia changed my mind and music thinking.
Hope you'll hear our music

katatonic russian band LAST ANGELS
Katatonia "audiolizes" my feelings.
If my feelings would have sound, they would often sound like katatonia.
not all the time, as much as my mood changes I listen to other bands too.
But katatonias has made many songs that express my feeling snot only with the sound but with the words.
Everything is rigth. Not like Amorphis, who on some songs also have the rigth sound, but they sing of things I don't care about. (Finnish Lore)
Paradise Lost and Katatonia are the only bands so far, that has really suceeded in combinin the rigth music with the rigth lyrics.

The Great Cold Distance Venezuela!

Thanks Jesse Haff, Discouraged tom and Anders!

Upcoming Gigs to Latinoamerica? :D

How do you think the guy on the back of the Brave Murder Day Booklet feels?

goddamn! you just made my day! i never thought that this white silhouette are actually fingers! :yow: i'm with stupid ^^ but i don't see the rest clearly... does he sit and hold his hands in front of his face?