Design your own Hypocrisy Shirt

i think religion is very usefull for people. not for weak people as many people think. i say it shows strengh to believe in something you cant proof to the majority.
most religions are full of sapiency. of course there are exceptions, people that try to make money with it. but you can find this in all other things.
I'd have to say Im more on Peter's side about this.
Keep in mind that for thousands of years, people have been kiling each others because of religion.
Even today, religion is the old root within people racial hates

I think most people can't accept the alternative.
It is not that easy to accept that after life there is nothing, just nothing.
No rebirth, no heaven or hell.

Also Religion has been and still is being used to rip people off their money.
And it leads to intolerance, because everybody thinks their choice is the "right one" and everybody else is wrong.
But extremists can tear everything apart, not just religion.
what you guys name are exactly that what i said: religions have often been misunderstood or utilized for economic interests.
crusades and so on. in the medieval times the pope has very often been a very bad leader, a great hypocrite (not to turn totaly off topic :p ).
but that is not the real religion as i think. im very interested in religion and i think im gonna study theology in addition to some other subjects.
and what i for myself can read out the bible or the koran, and most other religions, are peace and charity. what some people do instead is no religion. they take single peaces out of a context and interpretate them freely. very bad.
the greatest religious leaders or just religion philosophics always like talkings with people "from another religion", because they see it is not that different as many people think (call it allah, god or tao, it is very similar to each other).
just look at the modern taoism: today you can find it often people selling things that should lead you to inner peace or to relax and all this stuff. but those, who know what the taoism is about and has read the tao-te-king, this is all just bullshit. laotse says there is no need of help from outside all you need is inside. and this is the same with the other 3 religions of china the buddhism and the konfuzianism. they are not that different, too. (and not that different to christianity and many other religions)