Devin Townsend Project - KI

Is it just me who thinks that things beyond things sounds a bit like morrisey just a lot better?

Other than the ending scream ofc, that almost made me shit myself when it first came out of the silence like a freight train in my ears
Infinity > Ziltoid > Terria > Physicist > Accelerated Evolution > Synchestra > Biomech > Hummer/Devlab/Assordid demos/other random Devin-shit that I can't listen to

Biomech is not so good of an album, but it has maybe the best Devin song ever, "Life". And "Storm" from Accelerated Evolution is good number two and "Earth Day" from Terria is number three in my books, and "Namaste" from Physicist is really a killer track. Physicist actually sounds really a lot like Strapping Young Lad played on keyboards btw. But as a whole I like Infinity and Ziltoid the most. Terria is maybe even a bit too epic to my taste

Totally disagree I'm afraid. Ocean Machine is my joint favourite album of all time. It's beauty and depth pretty much transcends musical boundaries in my opinion.

Physicist is basically a shit version of SYL.

Terria takes the most effort to get but is very, very rewarding.

Accelerated Evolution is the most accessible.

Infinity has moments of genius and moments of silly madness.

Biomech > Terria > Accelerated Evolution > Infinity > Ziltoid > Synchestra > Physicist > Biomech > Hummer/Devlab/Assordid demos

Ocean Machine (Biomech) is still my favorite album from Devin. "Bastard" has to be the best song ever. But all of his albums are excellent and highly recommended.

yeah I'm with you Shane
I'm loving Ki and the bonus material. An excellent starter for the bundled release. I wonder what the main course will taste like later on this year.

Naming the best Devy album is surely not an easy task, besides, my personal favs change from time to time anyway. One thing is for certain though; his solo material is completely dominant than over anything he's done with SYL.

1.Accelerated Evolution - Most mainstream release, but definitely the most catchy ever. Devin is a true artist in making poppy tracks sound absolutely mesmerizing.

2.Ocean Machine/Biomech - Absolutely phenonomal for it being his debut. The same formula as on Accelerated; a bit less poppy, but nevertheless no complicated songstructures, making them sound insanely powerful. Highlights: Basterd, Seventh Wave, Life, Funeral, TDOM.

3.Terria - By many seen as the ultimate Townsend release, and all credit to it, because nowhere else you will find such an album opener as 'Olives/Mountain'.
Probably one of his best flowing records. Being the absolute highlight 'Earth Day'.

That's my top 3 which toggles every now and then.

The rest of his releases all hold a similar value - absolutely top notch material, there is seriously not one record I dislike by the man.
I dont know how he does it, and keeps doing it.. im a total fanboy, but never afraid to be honest about my favorite bands and musicians... see, accelerated evolution is my least favorite DT album, little bit too mainstream for me, but it's such a good album though.. i guess that says a lot about how i feel about the other albums he has done.

For me Terria is the winner.. such epic pieces on there, it's unreal, ocean machine is just as brilliant as well, and im really looking forward to KI.
Damn I gotta get hip to some more Dev stuff.
Where should I go from Ziltoid.

That's the only album I have from him and I wanna get more, but I wanna make sure I like it.. Suggestions plz?

Recently converted my wife into a big Devy fan ... I would say the same to you as I did to her....

Start at the beginning. You'll appreciate everything a lot more when you can actually follow HIS evolution as an artist.

Ocean Machine

you already have Ziltoid

my personal choice as representing some of his finest moments ... Ocean Machine. I don't think I saw anyone mention the song "Voices in the Fan". Probably one of my favorites from him along with "seventh Wave", "Bastard" and "Regulator"

have fun man ... its a wild trip through his brain :D
I haven't heard Terria, but I honestly find Ocean Machine just kinda boring, and Synchestra too weird - both have their moments, but where you guys see genius and transcendental soundscapes, I mostly see long, drawn out passages of semi-self-indulgence (and it's not my attention span, I assure you). Accelerated Evolution is definitely my favorite of what I've heard!
So based on this thread I just bought Ocean Machine and Accelerated Evolution on iTunes (I already owned all the SYL stuff, Ziltoid, and Terria).

Three songs into Ocean Machine, and I am in aural heaven. Thanks for the recommendations in here, guys! :rock:
I haven't heard Terria, but I honestly find Ocean Machine just kinda boring, and Synchestra too weird - both have their moments, but where you guys see genius and transcendental soundscapes, I mostly see long, drawn out passages of semi-self-indulgence (and it's not my attention span, I assure you). Accelerated Evolution is definitely my favorite of what I've heard!

I agree to all of this!
I haven't heard Terria, but I honestly find Ocean Machine just kinda boring, and Synchestra too weird - both have their moments, but where you guys see genius and transcendental soundscapes, I mostly see long, drawn out passages of semi-self-indulgence (and it's not my attention span, I assure you). Accelerated Evolution is definitely my favorite of what I've heard!

What's your opinion on Infinity Marcus?
Infinity I haven't heard actually, I suppose I'll check it out, though my hopes aren't very high I'm afraid...
I haven't heard Terria, but I honestly find Ocean Machine just kinda boring, and Synchestra too weird - both have their moments, but where you guys see genius and transcendental soundscapes, I mostly see long, drawn out passages of semi-self-indulgence (and it's not my attention span, I assure you). Accelerated Evolution is definitely my favorite of what I've heard!

I like steve vai, i think miles davis was one of the best musicians ever, my favourite hendrix track is red house live at the albert hall. I love devin townsends long drawn out sections of indulgence

Not quite sure what i'm trying to say here......ah well i'll post anyhow :p
Well I too like Steve Vai, I've barely heard any Miles Davis, and I'm not a big Hendrix fan ¯\(°_o)/¯
Well I too like Steve Vai, I've barely heard any Miles Davis, and I'm not a big Hendrix fan ¯(°_o)/¯

well from my perspective, steve vai is horrifically self indulgent (not to say i don't like it though)
devin can't possibly be more indulgent than the man with a special fan to blow his hair and spends his entire life making sweet love porno film style to his guitar, facial expressions included

But really, each to their own, who would want a world where all the same things appealed to everyone
Yeah, but that's self-indulgent personality-wise vs. music-wise; Steve mostly keeps his songs succinct and punchy, just the way I like it!