DFH original vs Superior 2.0 vs Slate?

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
i've only got the original DFH, which I only use for cymbals - but how do Slate samples and superior 2.0 compare?

I'm mostly meaning for cymbals/overheads because I don't ever use the kick/snare/toms in DFH.

I find DFHS cymbals are better than 2.0. But you might get equally as good results if you spend a shit load of time with 2.0's overheads.
Yeah, don't forget about Addictive Drums dude, once you replace the kick I think it's the best out of the current batch for metal stuff! S 2.0 seems to require an absurd amount of tweaking (requiring both effort and processing power), the sounds of the original DFHS are just too damn well known IMO, and I have not been impressed by the cymbal sounds (or the drums sounds all that much either, honestly) of the Slate stuff
This is the way I see it.

Best Cymbals: Drumkit from Hell Superior
Best Kit Sounds: Slate Packs (any from 1.0 to 3.0)

Easiest to tweak/best sounding overall package: Addictive Drums

The Slate stuff has a particular sound. If you don't want that sound, then Addictive Drums would be the next stop for pre-tweaked drums. If you want something to start from scratch with, the Toontrack stuff is the go. DFHS has the best cymbals sounds, bar none, Addictive isn't bad, S2.0 is too separated, and the Slate ones sound downright weird/thin to me.
Yeah, don't forget about Addictive Drums dude, once you replace the kick I think it's the best out of the current batch for metal stuff! S 2.0 seems to require an absurd amount of tweaking (requiring both effort and processing power), the sounds of the original DFHS are just too damn well known IMO, and I have not been impressed by the cymbal sounds (or the drums sounds all that much either, honestly) of the Slate stuff

AD does sound good...REALLY good...but I can't deal with just two crashes. If you could just replaced that stupid cowbell with one more cymbal. Grrrr.
All the Slate kicks/snares I've heard have sounded too harsh/thin for my tastes; I much prefer fat cracky snare and "splatty" (rather than clicky) kicks...

But wow, AD only has TWO crashes? I could live with that, since I've been programming with two crashes since I started, but it'd be nice to have more...does it at least have a splash and china?
Sorry...my mistake...it's been a while since I've used it. Three cymbals...it's up to you how you use them. Which limits me to two crashes and a china. I'm picky...but I want more than one china, and maybe a splash. But I LOVE the sound of AD, so it kind of frustrates me.

Hahahahaha, so that infernal cowbell can't be replaced with another cymbal? God, that is all kinds of horrid - I could tolerate only having one China, but I gotta have 2 crashes and a splash as well - REALLY glad you pointed this out Mark, no farkin' way am I going for AD now!
I'm not trying to scare anyone away from AD. It's FANTASTIC sounding. And Erm, I'm usually rushed, just wanting to get the drums over with (my least favorite part...programming drums) that I hadn't actually though of that. DOH! *Facepalm* I'll probably come back to it eventually, because it's just too good sounding to NOT use. But I'm also really happy with the cymbals from DFH, so I just end up using that more than anything else.
What's the issue with just running 2 instances of AD and loading them up there? Seems a bit silly to pass on a great piece of software simply because it won't give you 1 extra cymbal...

And just to add, you don't have to load the full kit for additional instances! If you want to, you can just load up one extra cymbal in the second instance, and the added memory usage is barely noticeable.

And of course, if you want the entire available AD drum library (60+ drums iirc) available at once, you can do that too, if you have the memory for it and want to emulate Terry Bozzio :lol:
What's the issue with just running 2 instances of AD and loading them up there? Seems a bit silly to pass on a great piece of software simply because it won't give you 1 extra cymbal...

Mainly having to program in a second piano roll every time I wanted to use that one cymbal - I guess I could delegate the accessory cymbals (mainly splashes or other crashes) to the second instance so I wouldn't have to use it as much, but still, oy...
Running two instances of AD is not hard. I needed to do that for my last project (for more cymbals and another tom).

i've only got the original DFH, which I only use for cymbals - but how do Slate samples and superior 2.0 compare?

I'm mostly meaning for cymbals/overheads because I don't ever use the kick/snare/toms in DFH.

You replace cymbals and leave snare, kick, toms?
why not program using the cowbell and then Aptrigga/drumagog that channel with some external samples?

Because I'd still have to listen to that insufferable thing before I replaced, oh the humanity! :lol: And Damian, did you have to use a second piano roll, though? Cuz that's what irks me