DFH Superior help needed


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Hey there.

I really hope someone understands whats my problem.

I need to do some kínd of crescendo with the cymbals (on black dahlia murders miasma it's right on the beginning of the songs "flies" and "miasma"...for example). We really don't know the word for that technique, sorry (except for crescendo but our drummer says it's not really crescendo...screw him anyway:) ).

is there a possibility to programm it to sound real or should I go the real way with cymbals and record them? I just got 2 SM57, one SM58 and a cheap studio mic. Everything else is great, just about this effect on the cymbals we need in some songs...

I don't use DFH, so take this with a grain of salt. I think the best thing, aside from using real cymbals would be to edit the cymbal track for that part to just have a lot of different velocities.
you mean the velocities in the drummap? If so, we tried that, but it doesn't work. sound like a lot of hits. not like one wall of cymbals. if I only would know how this technique is called.
oh sorry, I'm not used to english shortforms!

what is this technique called? I may look for this somewhere else but
I really really don't know for which words I even should search.

stupid me. ;)
I experienced the same problem. What i tried was to use two tracks just for each cymbal that needs to be "crescendo'ed" (bounced to an audio track)

The first track i had a decently hard hit left to decay for the amount of bars its being played, the second track had the 16th or 8th cymbal hits each with different velocities. But first I would physically play it on the edge of a table or seat to see which of my hits are the soft ones and which are the hard ones (to maximise realism)
Then blend the two. It won't be perfect but mess around with it till it sounds believable.

Buuut To be honest the easier way would be to use your 57's and have the drummer stand/sit next to the cymbals only, as if it were setup with his kit and record that just for that section. and use that for 'track two' but still blend with 'track 1' (DKFH single cymbal hit) otherwise that cymbal section will sound different to the DKFH cymbals.
Also, there's not really a technique for what you are describing. In 'Flies', it's just a roll on the cymbals. I think the problem you are having is the piercing attack of your cymbal samples. It makes it sound like he's hitting the cymbals harder than he would be for a roll like that.