DI problem - Just a tad too loud..


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
Yesterday I made some tests with my DI-box and mixer, trying to find the best pathway..
I have a Behringer DI-Ultra100 and Behringer Xenyx 802 mixer (u jelly?)..
I found that the best pathway (the least unwanted noise) is connecting the DI straight into my soundcard..
With passive pick-ups, the signal is a bit hot, but never hit's red..
With active, the signal clips..
I can use the pads on the DI (2 x -20dB), but then I get to much noise..
What I need to do is just lower the volume by a few dB. I tried it with a extension cable I have, for headphones, that has a voulme control on it.. but.. the sound get's a bit muffled.. not much.. but I want a good signal..
And lowering the volume on the guitar takes off some highend..

Could I just get a potentiometer and solder onto a cable?
If so, I have no idea what value to choose..
Or maybe I could get some resistors for a fixed value?

Nope.. Can't afford a better DI..
What soundcard?

Good question.. because it's a M-Audio 1010LT.. and I just remembered it having XLR inputs.. tha't can be adjusted for a lower input.. I think.. :S
Problem is, you have to do it on the hardware..

-20dB pad is too low volumewise.. -5 -6dB would make it not clip but.. maybe it's to hot for the converter anyway..
It seems there were two stages of clipping..
One was the pickups and the other from too loud level..
I lowered the pickups.. never done that before.. in all the years I've been playing.. yeah.. that's bad.. I know..

They're still clipping a tiny bit as I play harder than normal.. but I might reach those levels in the heat of the moment.. should they clip a bit? :S
Or should I lower them even more?
They're active "duncan design"..

I connected the DI to a mic level XLR-input on the 1010LT.. waaay too loud and shitload of noise..
I pulled out the 1010LT and changed the pins on the card of one of the XLR-inputs.. so it was line level..
That sounded better, but there were still clipping in Reaper.. so I lowered the software inputs on the 1010LT control panel..
That seemed to do the trick.. then I switched to a Line-in.. compared the two.. and the DI to Line-in was way better, lost a lot of lows with the XLR-input..
I still believe Behringer makes their DI's and Pre's with Line-level outputs..
I recorded a clip with the software input on the 1010LT set to -10dB (I believe)..
In reaper I had: TSE X30 (sylvania), factory setting and Boogex as the Cabloader (settings accordingly)..
The guitar isn't tuned nor has it good strings..
Just want to know if the noise-level is too loud or if it's usable..
Do tell! please!

It helps if you post the clip -_-'
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2383166/Line in.mp3
Maybe you should post fragments of DIs instead of resulting clip?

And here they are!

They're the same, but one is wav and one is mp3:
MP3: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2383166/DI.mp3
Wav: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2383166/DI wav.wav

Shitty strings, but I'm playing as hard as I can without breaking them..
(edit) I should say that the first part is the bridge pup, and during play, I switch to the neck pup, you'll hear it..

Is the sound usable or is it too noisy? :S
And also the pickupheight issue..

The strings that are on are 9's or 10's..
I'll be using 13's or 14's..
The DI's don't sound too noisy to me. It's normal to get some level of noise with an ampsim (since you're using so much gain anyway). You'll have to edit it out (noisegate or just cut out the parts of DI where the guitars aren't playing).
The DI's don't sound too noisy to me. It's normal to get some level of noise with an ampsim (since you're using so much gain anyway). You'll have to edit it out (noisegate or just cut out the parts of DI where the guitars aren't playing).

Thanks for the quick reply!
Yeah, I'll be editing out the noise but the fades and lower volume is what worries me..
I'll be using ampsims and reamping..

I guess I have to lower the pickup height.. maybe it isnt' normal with that much distortion.. :S
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yeah, I'll be editing out the noise but the fades and lower volume is what worries me..
I'll be using ampsims and reamping..

I guess I have to lower the pickup height.. maybe it isnt' normal with that much distortion.. :S

What do you mean, fades and lower volume? If the noise is not a problem at high volume, it wouldn't be at lower volume either because you're turning the track (and the noise along with it) down, right?

I've read that active EMG's sometimes clip internally (as in, in the pickup's preamp or something), but can't tell for sure with your pickups (I've never owned actives myself).
Not only EMGs, Blackouts-1 have slight clipping even running at 24 V :)
Internal clipping can be identified by turning guitar volume down (significantly lower, so DI-box or preamp can`t have any clipping), if there is also some signs of clipping (flat peaks), it`s due to internal clipping.
What do you mean, fades and lower volume? If the noise is not a problem at high volume, it wouldn't be at lower volume either because you're turning the track (and the noise along with it) down, right?

I've read that active EMG's sometimes clip internally (as in, in the pickup's preamp or something), but can't tell for sure with your pickups (I've never owned actives myself).

Ah.. What I meant was playing softer, not turning the volume down..
Since the noise is static it would appear to be louder since the track is probably turned up..
And fades I meant fadeouts.. as in letting a chord ring out.. there's a limit until the noise is too noticable..

This is the first active pickups I have, so I don't know how the DI should sound.. fingerpicking or normal strumming won't clip.. but the riffing does..
I guess I should keep lowering the pickups. :S