Did Behemoth gang-rape a fan in 2001?


Cross Inverter
Jul 14, 2002

Mentioned in the petition is the accusation of the members of Behemoth (including Nergal) of raping a drunk woman (a fan apparently) while on tour with Khold in Spain in 2001. According to this Polish news website article, Nergal justifies himself and the band that it was not rape – or at least in his eyes. He claims that “rock ‘n’ roll is a fun game, often dangerous and risky”. He goes on: “Something that may be something horrible and amoral to you, for me is an emanation of Dionysian attitudes and ecstatic elevation or just pure hedonism with a hint of perversion."

BEHEMOTH: Forced to Cancel Festival Appearance And Accused of Raping a Fan in 2001

It's still allegations, but... how disturbing. Not that I'm a huge fan of anything past ...From the Pagan Vastlands, but still yucky and makes me want to blot them out of my mind, if it's true.
Yeah probably I wouldn't doubt it. I fucking love his explanation :lol: It's truly hilarious.

He manages to tie it into his delirious notions of him being some sort of modern day pseudo mystic philosopher guy.
"Something that may be something horrible and amoral to you, for me is an emanation of Dionysian attitudes and ecstatic elevation or just pure hedonism with a hint of perversion".
Fucking :lol:. I'm sure a judge will accept that has a reasonable justification of rape. I'm sure.

Still love the band's music but jesus. Allegations or not that's pretty fucked up and what a stupid thing to say in your defense. Somebody please hire Nergal a PR team on the double before he says something else even more self incriminating.
So what I take from this is that some overly religious place in Poland barred Behemoth from playing there (what fucking retard booked them there?)

And some drunk cunt fucked the band members while they recorded it. Oh and the article was just google translated because you get the same quote that isn't quite grammatically correct when you run the page through google translate.

Don't care but this almost seems like a publicity stunt, giving the new album dropping soon.
Oh wait it gets even better if you click the link he goes on after that to say...
"I will not change my approach just because it might have shocked or offended someone… I look at the whole situation with humour because that is how I perceive it today.”

Humor. Irony. Yeah. Just saying.

Anyways he thinks that a bunch of bible thumpers wanting to run him out of town for playing "evil" music boosts his kvlt cred and that the whole rape thing is just part of that. What a dumbass.

Fucking fags.

Fucking fags.

If someone is drunk beyond the point of being able to actually give consent, it is very possible for it to be rape.
Yet if that same person got in a car and fucking killed someone they may very well have committed murder.
There is a difference between being held responsible for actions you took and actions taken upon you.
It's amazing how the polish girl exactly remembered being too drunk to give consent and then decided that she was raped. And that decision made few Morts on the internet say how disturbing it is. :lol: Brilliant.
This is true, however the rule only applies to females.

This is the unfortunate reality in society but that doesn't make it ok. It should ideally apply to everyone regardless of gender. Rape statistics are often grossly exaggerated and manipulated. Many men are wrongly accused of rape with very little evidence to support the claim. A man accusing a woman of rape is completely unheard of but it actually does happen, more than you would think. A woman can rape a man and there is such a thing as a female pedophile. A woman can have a regretful night of drunken escapades and justify it by claiming she was raped. The man or in some cases men are often condemned and their reputations are ruined without anyone even questioning it. It's one of many massive double standards that is often extremely harmful to men. Nergal said some pretty stupid things in his defense but he is innocent until proven guilty, we'll see what happens I guess. There is always two sides to every story.
Oh great Mort is gonna debate with misogynists about the definition of rape! We'll all learn a lot from this :popcorn:

And I don't see how defending the accused here automatically makes someone a misogynist. I really hope you don't have some sort of white knight/mangina complex. I really don't, you seem like an pretty intelligent guy. And yes......WE ARE GONNA HAVE A RAPE DEBATE ALL UP IN THIS BITCH!! LETS DO THIS SHIT MOTHERFUCKER!!!!1
This is the unfortunate reality in society but that doesn't make it ok. It should ideally apply to everyone regardless of gender. Rape statistics are often grossly exaggerated and manipulated. Many men are wrongly accused of rape with very little evidence to support the claim. A man accusing a woman of rape is completely unheard of but it actually does happen, more than you would think. A woman can rape a man and there is such a thing as a female pedophile. A woman can have a regretful night of drunken escapades and justify it by claiming she was raped. The man or in some cases men are often condemned and their reputations are ruined without anyone even questioning it. It's one of many massive double standards that is often extremely harmful to men. Nergal said some pretty stupid things in his defense but he is innocent until proven guilty, we'll see what happens I guess. There is always two sides to every story.

Rape statistics are grossly exaggerated? How so? It is estimated that only 10-20% of rape victims actually even report the rapes, and that out of those who do report them only 2% are proven to be false claims.
Pretty sure he's the most easily baited person on the internet.

LOL I know. The second I saw Onder's post, I thought, "Oh look, he's trying to get Mort's panties in a bunch." And it worked.

And I don't see how defending the accused here automatically makes someone a misogynist. I really hope you don't have some sort of white knight/mangina complex. I really don't, you seem like an pretty intelligent guy. And yes......WE ARE GONNA HAVE A RAPE DEBATE ALL UP IN THIS BITCH!! LETS DO THIS SHIT MOTHERFUCKER!!!!1

I'm just pointing to the shitfest this thread is destined to become.

Personally I doubt the women consented. Is it possible that she consented and then lied and said she was raped? Sure, that's possible. But realistically speaking the number of women who would consent to a gangbang is very, very low. Odds are much higher that she was gang raped, especially considering the statement by the culprit. That's just using common sense to infer to the most probable explanation.
Rape statistics are grossly exaggerated? How so? It is estimated that only 10-20% of rape victims actually even report the rapes, and that out of those who do report them only 2% are proven to be false claims.

10-20% of rapes go unreported? Then how do we know they ever happened? Imaginary rapes? They just probably happened? It's a complete bullshit statistic that people pull out of their ass with almost no backing to it all. The second one you mentioned will also differ pretty vastly from source to source. Some will say 2% and others will say 15-20%. There's no consistency in any of them because these statistics are often manipulated by feminist thinking sociopaths with an axe to grind for the purpose of creating the illusion of a "rape culture" brought on by our supposedly overwhelming patriarchal society. My point was that it does happen and the attitude of "guilty until proven innocent" is rooted in sexism towards men. It's a dangerous line of thinking that can lead to innocent people having their lives ruined. Which can happen and has happened, dig up all the statistics you want to it's still wrong even if it happens just one time.
All I can say is from personal experience I know a ton of women who have been raped and almost none of them have pressed charges. Based on that, the 10-20% of reports sounds accurate, especially if we include molestation and pedophilia where it's often kids who feel totally powerless and would never dream of calling the cops. The ratio for men/boys who don't report is probably even higher because it's such a social taboo for a man to be raped. The one man I know who is open about being raped did not report.
I think up to 50% of reported rapes are fake. However even if half of those rapes are fake, the other half aren't. One of the biggest problems is that when two drunk people wander off and screw like bunnies, who's to say what was consensual and what wasn't? It's his drunk word against her drunk word.