Did Behemoth gang-rape a fan in 2001?

Since this thread isn't really on topic about the Behemoth incident and is just a big shit storm rape debate that doesn't belong on a metal forum anyway, would it be worth asking a mod to just lock it?
I'm obviously just trying to defend a group of respected philosophers, gentlemen, and musical scientists for getting their dicks wet.

And defend myself, because truth be told.... I've 'raped'. I never got his consent, did it while he was passed out sleeping. Slap the cuffs on me, officer.
:lol: You've got a problem with name calling but yet you call all these women who were raped while intoxicated "stupid" and say that they "deserve life long trauma". You have no idea whose mother, sister, girlfriend, wife or daughter you just basically called a stupid whore deserving of lifelong trauma. Pretty fucking insulting, especially when I've seen the consequences of the tramua you say they've deserved. I've seen the way their world falls apart when the word "rape" is even said casually. I've seen how it shapes their vision of every day of their life, for years, never going away. Hoe those events recylce through their head constantly like a film stuck on loop. But like you said, they deserve it.

So fuck you if you don't like being called names. If your gonna degrade other people's suffering and then not even be able to back it up with a coherent argument you deserve to be called a fucking idiot. Because that's what you are, on top of being heartless.

Good post.
And defend myself, because truth be told.... I've 'raped'. I never got his consent, did it while he was passed out sleeping. Slap the cuffs on me, officer.

So you're so ugly that you need to rape someone? :lol:

Enough joking.

On topic: If Behemoth did it then I hope they used their time well and that she was hot... :lol:

Wow, what a bunch of morons continuing to give heavy metal a bad name. Harr harr harr. Thank you crimsonfloyd (and a couple of others) for fighting the good fight against misogyny, hatred, and ignorance....
I don't know what Behemoth did, but they are not very good and overrated.
Read the first page.

So a girl gets drunk and fucks Behemoth. Calls it rape because that's what girls do when they regret a drunken fuck. Nergal responds in the most hilarious way possible. Mort Divine has his period.

Ultimate Metal at its finest.