Did Behemoth gang-rape a fan in 2001?

You see, that's the thing though. If you have automatically accepted one as a victim you're automatically accepting that someone was guilty of victimizing them.

And this is the approach we're seeing more and more of today. College Universities stripping students rights away upon there being an accusation towards them, not returning those rights if they are not found guilty, for example.
Instead of viewing women having an actual influence on the world as positive and potentially beneficial, you view it as "emasculating" and "neutered."

He didn't say women. He said feminazis. Which are not women, nor are they people with souls.
I don't have time to respond to the rest of your post but most of your comments on gender roles and expectations are so obsolete that it makes me wonder if you just hopped off a time machine from the 50s. Women are just expected to do housework and take care of children? :tickled: Dude, what year are you living in? Only the very affluent can even consider a stay at home parent these days and even then, both parents work. You're so far out in left field that it's not possible to have the conversation you're trying to have until you realize it's 2014.

You don't have the time or is it that you don't have the ability? You're a school teacher and have a degree in philosophy you should be able to easily dismantle any argument some guy on the internet comes up with. And yes what I described is a black and white view and there are exceptions but it is the attitude many people still have regardless of what year it is. And two people don't have to be married to see evidence of this. Women see the provider thing even in an abstract sense to be a masculine characteristic that they find sexually attractive.

But that's all besides the point and I've said what I needed to say. What bothers me is how people react to these rape claims and the idiotic gender roles that get in the way of justice. We can both agree on that I think. You can say whatever you want in response to this post but this is the end for me, we're just going to back and forth because we both obviously have radically different viewpoints and this thread could easily get out of hand with Deron having to intervene at some point. I'll leave you at that, so say whatever you're going to say.
Again, the rate of rape charges has dropped by nearly 80% over the course of the last few decades, during which the awareness and information concerning rape and systems to support rape victims have sky rocketed. This is all factual, raw numbers, not derived from some study group. This means things have been SPRINTING in the right direction. So what is the REAL problem that people are trying to avoid when they point out skepticism about a rape case?

Good question, but as long as the ratio of false rape claims has not risen or dropped, then the overall decrease in charges isn't really relevant to this specific issue of whether or not false charges are common.

And if those numbers regarding the drop in rape cases are accurate then that's a great sign that men's mindsets are becoming more enlightened.
He didn't say women. He said feminazis. Which are not women, nor are they people with souls.

I find it beyond insulting that people compare women who are pissed off (rightfully so) with the oppression they face to the Nazi party. I also find it somewhat hilarious (and sad) when people who would benefit from feminist ideology becoming more widely accepted lash out against it (HINT: EVERYONE benefits.)
I don't debate with emotional people. And usually don't debate successfully with people who have normal morals. Good day, sirs.:Smokedev:
I do wanna add though that acting like a victim, and getting treated like a victim, does not help women's advancement as a gender at all. Rape's interesting on a metaphorical level, isn't it? Men being asshole rapey men and women being crying stupid women.
I really want to know what man in the fucking 21st century is totally okay with his wife just sitting around in the house all day playing dress up? No successful man out there wants a woman who does not work. Point blank. I'm not saying there aren't many straining standards men have to live up to, but honestly when you're talking about ability to work and intellectual capacity, it's pretty dumb to say only men are burdened by this.

Edit: I'm not even going to comment on the rape comments. Some of them are just dumb. I don't understand how people justify someone taking advantage of someone else. Whether they are drunk or whatever, it is still wrong. This goes for men rapists and women rapists too. You don't take advantage of someone especially due to their age, intoxication, or their mental capacity. Yes safety is important and teaching people "common sense" things like "don't get too drunk" or whatever is great, but it is completely OBSOLETE if people aren't taught to just not be assholes first and foremost.

I will say that his points about the white knights are largely on point. The idea that if you come to defend someone, if you are put enough in you deserve sex or something is repulsive behavior.

However, I cannot take someone who is clearly so bitter towards women seriously on this subject. His bias showed several times - oh the bible warned us about them! oh plato said women are shitty women exist to manipulate men blah blah blah.

Women have an advantage in marital courts, in custody cases - but why is this? Women did not set up our legal system...?

Should they? Absolutely not. It should be equal completely. Feminism is not asking for privileges, it is about eliminating them...
I really want to know what man in the fucking 21st century is totally okay with his wife just sitting around in the house all day playing dress up? No successful man out there wants a woman who does not work. Point blank. I'm not saying there aren't many straining standards men have to live up to, but honestly when you're talking about ability to work and intellectual capacity, it's pretty dumb to say only men are burdened by this.

A man with many children? Someone has to stay home and take care of children at some point in time. I meet them all the time. My boss comes to mind in particular. He has two children and is required to work many hours, so many that he is rarely home long enough to take care of both his kids. His girlfriend is completely jobless, cheats on him and he admittedly only tolerates her because she cares for his children the vast majority of time he's working. Which goes beyond just hiring a babysitter, and not everyone has the financial ability to do so anyways.

And if it's so stupid why don't you say that to all of the male firefighters and policemen or the men who fought and died in nearly every war since the dawn of time while the women stayed comfortably at home or the millions of men who work other extremely dangerous and physically strenuous jobs that men are traditionally expected to perform. The jobs that if men didn't perform society would have crumbled long ago. Someone has to pour concrete and dig ditches, not everyone gets to have a nice office job or become a kindergarten teacher. Someone has to eventually get their hands dirty.

Yes there are women who participate in those fields but the vast majority of them are widely performed by men and have been for centuries. How would you like to be drafted into a war? Oh wait I forgot we never drafted any women into any war, we only drafted men and forced them to fight and die on the front lines in just about every significant war ever. There are women in the military yes but i doubt many of them know what it's like to be permanently maimed and disfigured by stepping on a landmine.
I don't debate with emotional people. And usually don't debate successfully with people who have normal morals. Good day, sirs.:Smokedev:


You came in here with one of the most emotional and hateful statements I've ever seen on this board but you won't debate with "emotional" people. Please. You won't debate because you can't even live up to the ridiculously high standards you set and would rather creep away than be exposed as a hypocrite.

And please save us the showing off with your alt morals. The shit you're saying is the same kind of crap conservative politicians and judges have been saying for generations. Your views are mainstream misogyny 101.
Excellent vids. As for crimson, I pegged you to be a name caller, and you have proven me correct. You really shouldn't be a bitch to people who disagree with you, it's bad manners.
Should they? Absolutely not. It should be equal completely. Feminism is not asking for privileges, it is about eliminating them...

And what happens when they trade their privileges for "equality"? Will they be happy with the loss of their privileges?


Sorry for the amount of vids but finnally we have.....

Men :kickass:
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If Mort becomes president, I promise to make lots of babies to cash in on my "paternity leave".
Excellent vids. As for crimson, I pegged you to be a name caller, and you have proven me correct. You really shouldn't be a bitch to people who disagree with you, it's bad manners.

:lol: You've got a problem with name calling but yet you call all these women who were raped while intoxicated "stupid" and say that they "deserve life long trauma". You have no idea whose mother, sister, girlfriend, wife or daughter you just basically called a stupid whore deserving of lifelong trauma. Pretty fucking insulting, especially when I've seen the consequences of the tramua you say they've deserved. I've seen the way their world falls apart when the word "rape" is even said casually. I've seen how it shapes their vision of every day of their life, for years, never going away. Hoe those events recylce through their head constantly like a film stuck on loop. But like you said, they deserve it.

So fuck you if you don't like being called names. If your gonna degrade other people's suffering and then not even be able to back it up with a coherent argument you deserve to be called a fucking idiot. Because that's what you are, on top of being heartless.