Did Behemoth gang-rape a fan in 2001?

I'm sorry to any dumb people that have actually been raped, but it's pretty fucking stupid to get smashed anywhere without a sober, trustworthy person with you. I find it really difficult to feel bad for women who got trashed then hung out with men they barely know, pass out, and have shit happen.

Yeah it's shitty for people to do it in the first place but hey... playas gonna play, rapists gonna rape. Assume any strangers gonna rape. Don't be fucking stupid.

Now if she was unknowingly drugged... that's another story.
I actually feel pretty strongly about this. Fuck, I hate stupid people. I'd almost encourage their rape so they're too traumatized by sex to ever consider passing on their genes to children that will probably be stupid AND violent.
10-20% of rapes go unreported? Then how do we know they ever happened? Imaginary rapes? They just probably happened? It's a complete bullshit statistic that people pull out of their ass with almost no backing to it all. The second one you mentioned will also differ pretty vastly from source to source. Some will say 2% and others will say 15-20%. There's no consistency in any of them because these statistics are often manipulated by feminist thinking sociopaths with an axe to grind for the purpose of creating the illusion of a "rape culture" brought on by our supposedly overwhelming patriarchal society. My point was that it does happen and the attitude of "guilty until proven innocent" is rooted in sexism towards men. It's a dangerous line of thinking that can lead innocent people having their lives ruined. Which can happen and has happened, dig up all the statistics you want to it's still wrong even if it happens just one time.

<--- 8 minute mark covers the statistic that is seen thrown around the most.
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All I can say is from personal experience I know a ton of women who have been raped and almost none of them have pressed charges. Based on that, the 10-20% of reports sounds accurate, especially if we include molestation and pedophilia where it's often kids who feel totally powerless and would never dream of calling the cops. The ratio for men/boys who don't report is probably even higher because it's such a social taboo for a man to be raped. The one man I know who is open about being raped did not report.

Most of the people I know are atheist, but apparently only 5% of Americans are.
And this is why I'm on a metal forum. I expressed the same viewpoint on a poetry board and everyone told me how terrible I am because they all write pretentious poems about jesus and motherhood.
I'm sorry to any dumb people that have actually been raped, but it's pretty fucking stupid to get smashed anywhere without a sober, trustworthy person with you. I find it really difficult to feel bad for women who got trashed then hung out with men they barely know, pass out, and have shit happen.

Yeah it's shitty for people to do it in the first place but hey... playas gonna play, rapists gonna rape. Assume any strangers gonna rape. Don't be fucking stupid.

Now if she was unknowingly drugged... that's another story.

Wow. This is a pretty disgusting post. "Rapists gonna rape?" So yeah, let's just give the hundreds of thousands of men who rape a pass under the guise of "boys will be boys." Maybe if we had a culture that taught young men to have more respect for women and a greater degree of self-control, this wouldn't be such a common occurrence. Because most men who rape are not creepers hiding in an old van, they're friends and family members.

I agree that women shouldn't live under a rock and need to be aware of their surroundings but to basically call them a stupid whore while giving the guy a pass "it's just his nature" is fucking despicable.

Also, I find it pretty disturbing considering that a lot of these girls who are raped while intoxicated are under age, but I guess you hold them to the same standard as an adult. They're just stupid whores who never deserve to breed and deserve absolute trauma because they made a bad decision in their teens.

Most of the people I know are atheist, but apparently only 5% of Americans are.

The difference is my experience correlates with research data, yours does not.
Wow. This is a pretty disgusting post. "Rapists gonna rape?" So yeah, let's just give the hundreds of thousands of men who rape a pass under the guise of "boys will be boys." Maybe if we had a culture that taught young men to have more respect for women and a greater degree of self-control, this wouldn't be such a common occurrence. Because most men who rape are not creepers hiding in an old van, they're friends and family members.

I agree that women shouldn't live under a rock and need to be aware of their surroundings but to basically call them a stupid whore while giving the guy a pass "it's just his nature" is fucking despicable.

Also, I find it pretty disturbing considering that a lot of these girls who are raped while intoxicated are under age, but I guess you hold them to the same standard as an adult. They're just stupid whores who never deserve to breed and deserve absolute trauma because they made a bad decision in their teens.

The difference is my experience correlates with research data, yours does not.

Simmer down there duder. I never said they get a pass, they should certainly be punished. But are you seriously disagreeing that a good number of rapes could have been avoided if the victim hadn't been so goddamn stupid? We can try to educate people on how rape is wrong, but I think its more prudent to educate potential victims that rape is possible.

As for teens, its a whole nother story because you're right, their age makes them incredibly stupid. So maybe we should give every idiot kid who drinks and drives a pass if they run someone over too? Lets just go ahead and give every egghead a diploma while we're at it.

Kids getting raped is just straight up sick and a terrible shame that doesn't happen as often as other sexual predations. You're a sick man for bringing that up, it doesn't even relate to the article. Shame on you.
The difference is my experience correlates with research data, yours does not.

It correlates with some research data, which so happens to not correlate with other research data. Look at what they used to generate the actual numbers in said research. Don't forget you're talking about something that has no objective number next to it. Its an estimation based off of selective questioning in a selective study group.
Simmer down there duder. I never said they get a pass, they should certainly be punished. But are you seriously disagreeing that a good number of rapes could have been avoided if the victim hadn't been so goddamn stupid? We can try to educate people on how rape is wrong, but I think its more prudent to educate potential victims that rape is possible.

This is where I 100% disagree. Guys are just given way too much of a free pass on this issue. Why aren't we having open discussions with young men and saying things "guys, even if you're horny and she was into you before she passed out UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you touch a passed out woman." And instead of encouraging a "boys will be boys" culture, why aren't we encouraging men to stand up to their fellow men and stop when they see shady stuff about to go down. But, no, that would make you a "cock blocker". So yes, I do have a problem with blaming the victim.

And I take major issue with you just lumping all women together as "stupid" who hang out with a guy alone while drinking. Misjudging someone's character doesn't automatically make someone stupid. Really, if that's the case we're all stupid. Let's have you ever:

-driven drunk?
-let someone else drive you home drunk?
-hung out with a guy (whom you weren't interested in) alone when alcohol alone?
-walked home at night alone

These are all dangerous situations, so by your reasoning anyone who has even once done one of these acts is STUPID and deserves life-long trauma.

As for teens, its a whole nother story because you're right, their age makes them incredibly stupid. So maybe we should give every idiot kid who drinks and drives a pass if they run someone over too? Lets just go ahead and give every egghead a diploma while we're at it.

Those are some nice faulty analogies. Comparing a girl drinking at a party and getting raped by some dude to someone who drunk drives and consciously makes a decision to put other people's lives at risk is ludicrous.

Kids getting raped is just straight up sick and a terrible shame that doesn't happen as often as other sexual predations. You're a sick man for bringing that up, it doesn't even relate to the article. Shame on you.

It relates to the comments you made about rape victims deserving to be traumatized. You never specified age. But I guess you think women are victims if they're 18 or younger, then once they turn 18 they deserve life long trauma for making the mistake of misjudging a man's character even once in their life.
It correlates with some research data, which so happens to not correlate with other research data. Look at what they used to generate the actual numbers in said research. Don't forget you're talking about something that has no objective number next to it. Its an estimation based off of selective questioning in a selective study group.

Fair points and I haven't done enough research on the topic to say which numbers are most accurate. However, every study I've ever seen has the rape report rate at a very low number, so I don't think there's too much dispute on that topic.
Rape is a tricky one to deal with,

It is a very serious crime which can be difficult to sufficiently prove occurred, and at the same time difficult to sufficiently prove that it didn't occur. It plays on heart strings, and rightfully so as both the crime and a false allegation have far reaching implications and damage inflicted.

There are some things we do know to be factual though. Referencing raw numbers, the numbers of rapes reported each year (in the USA)has dropped nearly 80% since the 1980's. During that time frame we have also had a large growth in programs meant to spread knowledge about rape, the damage done by it, and how to seek help after such an atrocity. In other words, things have been moving in the right direction concerning minimizing the occurrence of the crime.

We also know that the conviction rate for rape is much lower than what is suggested by the majority of 'studies' that claim only 'x' percentage of rape cases are false accusations, and without sufficient evidence it is foolish to assume those convictions largely incorrect.

We know that some people that have been convicted have been proven to not be guilty later on, and vise versa (par the course with any crime, and any objective legal system).
As for teens, its a whole nother story because you're right, their age makes them incredibly stupid. So maybe we should give every idiot kid who drinks and drives a pass if they run someone over too? Lets just go ahead and give every egghead a diploma while we're at it.

I remember in my early high school years girls would say they had been "raped" when it was literally a load of bull shit and they were just sluts that felt guilty about fucking a 23 year old at age 16. Actually rape of any kind is just fucked up. Rape is just something that is not right by any (logical) moral standard. I don't know much about the Behemoth case, though, nor do I really care. It doesn't sound like an issue that will last long, but who knows?
Should women be aware of their surroundings and take measures to protect themselves? Sure. Should they EVER be blamed if they get raped in ANY capacity? No.

Rape is NEVER the fault of the victim. No one chooses to be raped. People who rape are solely to blame.

EDIT: It is wholly possible, Spiderchrist, for coercion to be a factor in those situations and for the girl to not really realize what happened until after the fact. I'm not saying false rape claims don't happen, but I'm saying that people need to consider that rape isn't only by force or drugging.
Maybe if we had a culture that taught young men to have more respect for women and a greater degree of self-control, this wouldn't be such a common occurrence. Because most men who rape are not creepers hiding in an old van, they're friends and family members.

I agree that women shouldn't live under a rock and need to be aware of their surroundings but to basically call them a stupid whore while giving the guy a pass "it's just his nature" is fucking despicable.

A common occurrence eh? How common are you suggesting? Do you have anything besides anecdotes and conjectures? Again this all goes back to the ridiculous and paranoid fantasy world of "rape culture". It's grounded in the sexist stereotype that all males, especially young boys are sexually aggressive in nature and are encouraged by western culture to explore these tendencies. It goes a little something like this "all men are potential rapists because they only have the ability to do so and they're always thinking about doing it". Which I pointed out earlier is complete and total fucking horseshit. Both men and women commit rape. End of discussion period. There are countless accounts and cases of this, go look them up for yourself. As for the "it's just in his nature" thing, yes it is in the nature of a young heterosexual man with a functioning libido to be sexually attracted to feminine aesthetics. I.e breasts, thighs, soft skin or what have you. It's just reversed for young women and masculine features. It's obviously deeper than that but for the sake of staying on topic let's not delve into that.

I don't understand the enormous social stigma towards the male half though. Male sexual desire can be perverted and is considered to be aggressive while female sexual desire is somehow mysterious and romantic. The amount of double standards are too numerous to even begin to list but I hope you see my point. Anyways last time I checked we were actually living in a society that is designed to have men worship the ground women walk on. Males are bread winners and females just have to produce children and put on some fucking make up. And before you fucking say "oh but they have to do the house work and take care of children." Let me actually put this into perspective for you. You're telling me that a woman having to do the dishes and cook dinner actually has more strenuous responsibilities and is socially and economically more valuable the a man with an engineering degree working 80 plus hours a week inside plants and factories? Which is of course to support the woman and or children. You really believe that? If you do you then I'm afraid you're mentally ill.

Women also don't have to carry the cross of "masculinity" or "being a man" aka the emotional and intellectual shackles of permanent stoicism. To always adhere to "women and children first" ethics. A male's value is determined by his ability to provide for women and children. Things like the sensibilities, concerns and even emotions of a man are totally irrelevant because he's supposed to "be a man". Men think their self worth comes from a woman and of course having all of the things that are meant to attract women like having a lot of money. Its not benevolent sexism towards women it's slavery for men. Women benefit most from this shit and I don't see how it's fucking despicable to shame the women who abuse their exalted status in society to severely damage the lives of others by getting loaded with a bunch of guys and then having drunken consensual sex with them. Fuck em all, take responsibility for your shit.
Jesus H. Fucking Christ...

EDIT: @crimsonfloyd, we might have wildly different musical tastes, but thank you for not being a completely insane piece of shit
Or you could quit being a douche and actually take two seconds to read what I just wrote there. Three small paragraphs too much? Bitch please.
I read what you wrote there, and it is fucking insane drivel that proves you have a completely false view of how the world even works. Women are NOT in some privileged position.

Speaking as a feminist and a man I will say that yes, men do suffer from many of the things you said. The masculine standard where men cannot express their emotions and have to keep a "stiff upper lip" and all that IS legitimately a problem.

HOWEVER, I will say that women are not the reason for that. That problem comes from a male dominated culture deciding what men should be.

I don't know a single feminist worth their salt who would say that men should be subjected to the ridiculous gender roles and demands placed upon them. It is after all a movement that wants not only to create a better place for women in the world, but to remove the negative influence of patriarchy which impacts ALL genders.
A common occurrence eh? How common are you suggesting? Do you have anything besides anecdotes and conjectures? Again this all goes back to the ridiculous and paranoid fantasy world of "rape culture". It's grounded in the sexist stereotype that all males, especially young boys are sexually aggressive in nature and are encouraged by western culture to explore these tendencies. It goes a little something like this "all men are potential rapists because they only have the ability to do so and they're always thinking about doing it". Which I pointed out earlier is complete and total fucking horseshit. Both men and women commit rape. End of discussion period. There are countless accounts and cases of this, go look them up for yourself. As for the "it's just in his nature" thing, yes it is in the nature of a young heterosexual man with a functioning libido to be sexually attracted to feminine aesthetics. I.e breasts, thighs, soft skin or what have you. It's just reversed for young women and masculine features. It's obviously deeper than that but for the sake of staying on topic let's not delve into that.

I don't understand the enormous social stigma towards the male half though. Male sexual desire can be perverted and is considered to be aggressive while female sexual desire is somehow mysterious and romantic. The amount of double standards are too numerous to even begin to list but I hope you see my point. Anyways last time I checked we were actually living in a society that is designed to have men worship the ground women walk on. Males are bread winners and females just have to produce children and put on some fucking make up. And before you fucking say "oh but they have to do the house work and take care of children." Let me actually put this into perspective for you. You're telling me that a woman having to do the dishes and cook dinner actually has more strenuous responsibilities and is socially and economically more valuable the a man with an engineering degree working 80 plus hours a week inside plants and factories? Which is of course to support the woman and or children. You really believe that? If you do you then I'm afraid you're mentally ill.

Women also don't have to carry the cross of "masculinity" or "being a man" aka the emotional and intellectual shackles of permanent stoicism. To always adhere to "women and children first" ethics. A male's value is determined by his ability to provide for women and children. Things like the sensibilities, concerns and even emotions of a man are totally irrelevant because he's supposed to "be a man". Men think their self worth comes from a woman and of course having all of the things that are meant to attract women like having a lot of money. Its not benevolent sexism towards women it's slavery for men. Women benefit most from this shit and I don't see how it's fucking despicable to shame the women who abuse their exalted status in society to severely damage the lives of others by getting loaded with a bunch of guys and then having drunken consensual sex with them. Fuck em all, take responsibility for your shit.

Well said. I agree with just about everything there.