Did Everyone have a good Holiday?


Lost Pet Needs Home
Jun 24, 2002
I was just wondering what everyone did over the holidays, and if any of you got any interesting presents:).

I got a new stereo seeing how my other one was broken and I was stuck listening to music on my computer :s It has bad speakers IMO.
I got a new stereo too. It's MUCH better than my old stereo. I can actually use the random option and not worry about the cds popping out and getting all scratched up! I also got this killer little lamp thing. Its a jar with an alien fetus inside. Very cool. I got some NASCAR stuff, a few DVD's, and of course, money.

I just beat Vice City today. Everything is completed except I still need to find 19 more Tikis, and they are going to be a bitch and a half to find. Personally, I enjoyed GTAIII much more. Maybe cause it was more modern and had a darker atmosphere...

NP: Control Denied - "When The Link Becomes Missing"
Well, christmas kinda sucked, as usual. I mean, it wasn't bad, but it was a whole day of socialising, which I hate. Started about 9:30am, wound up at 8:00 pm........ :s

But I got the new Opeth cd, so that was cool, and some cd vouchers so I'll be able to get the new Napalm Death and something else (this is a big deal to me, as I've been able to afford 1 cd in the last 6 months, and that was 4 months ago, so it's been a looong time since I heard any new stuff).
Plus various other things, which I won't bore you with ;)
christmas makes me feel old....

i never get anything fun anymore..
a sweater that was nice and some money to a new guitar amp,
and some "you´re going to be a father" books....
pretty shitty realy, but the money is needed :)
Christmas in the last few years has been a little sad because we usually had a big lunch with relatives, but now they are all dead, so I stayed at home with my family and my uncle.
I had many nice presents from my friends, among them some books, then two Cds and a lot of money, which I will spend for a pedal for my guitar, for a Dvd player and for a trip abroad for New Year´s Eve.
Not bad after all.

Glad everything worked out for you! Have a blast :)

@All the Katatonia UM board regulars, have a very merry christmas!

things are going very well here...

i've got a stereo too, but it's an old-fashioned one... i mean, with all those analogic stuff, picked up from different people. now i've got what i want.

and tonight, i am leaving to hamburg, to meet again a beutiful friend i met this summer sometimes after the dynamo open air festival. 10 days of infinite passion waiting for me...

next year? opeth, porcupine tree, the gathering in concert. could i ask more?
well...I was (and still am) sick the last couple of days. But I got a nice bass-guitar (my first one ever - can't even play it (yet))...
@Gravelessoul: yeah I totally know what you mean about the darker atmosphere in Liberty as opposed to Vice City. But I love the motorbikes! And the city has more intricate detail, which I prefer. And the weapons are cool too... at the moment I wouldn't say I liked either of them better than other though.

Happy holidays everyone:)
Oh cool! A mic. I need one of those too :p. My little cousins got some kick ass gifts this year. One of them got an XBox with a lot of games, and a leather trench coat (which i thought was a big waste seeing how you can't wear trenchies to highschool here)

My other little cousin got GTA Vice City too. I've been watching him play it for a bit and it seems interesting.

I'm going shopping tomorrow for the rest of my presents :), and I'm glad everyone had a good holiday.

CDN: I hope you have a good new year!! :)
It was okay, I suppose. On Christmas eve, I got some headphones, Minority Report on DVD, and a sweater. I also got a bunch of money from other relatives, which I will be purchasing some new Black Metal CD's for the frosty winter to come. :) Later that night I went to a friend's house who was having a christmas party because he was back from the Navy and I got really drunk. :D Christmas day pretty much sucked because I had a really bad hang over. Also, I didn't get to see any of my family (which I do enjoy) because I had to work. (my boss is a dick)