did i go too far?


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
last night i had to call AOL to get some customer service on my account which i plan on getting rid of soon.

Nevermind how funny it is to spell out the screename MaudlinoftheGreg to a customer service rep. But after the person was finished they mentioned some deal that they said i could qualify for and before i could say yes or no they tranferred me to a telemarketer. So i just hung up. Was that too mean? I tend to think not, but someone said that since i was transferred from a customer service rep that maybe it would piss off AOL. I could care less though because they are expensive and they made me wait for 20 mins before i talked to someone.
no, actually it makes no difference at all. if you hung up, you did. those telemarket agencies get so many calls they probably didn't even notice that one out of the 1,000,000,000 they got that day was a hang up.
I usually scream at them and tell them to fuck themselves, and then try to say something that makes them feel awful for choosing such a career path. Then I throw the phone across the room.
i always ask telemarketers if they get paid for the amount of time they keep me on the phone, rather than what they sell. if they make money for keeping me on the phone i say 'okay, talk' and then i just space out, give them until they're done, and hang up.
divulging your lame username to customer service is the worst.

I used to love hovering outside the room listening to my brother spell out "bigdaddymarko" under his breath.
Originally posted by the_preppy
i always ask telemarketers if they get paid for the amount of time they keep me on the phone, rather than what they sell. if they make money for keeping me on the phone i say 'okay, talk' and then i just space out, give them until they're done, and hang up.

that is a good call! I'm going to start doing that. I won't take phone polls though, I did it once and was on the phone for a frickin hour answering questions about which blockbuster movies I might go see in the upcoming months.
i think the best response i ever heard for this was seinfeld where the telemarketer calls and you ask them if you can call them back at their home number and when they say no then you can say "I see you don't like to be bothered at home either".
Massachussetts peeps:


takes 15 seconds to put your phone number on the state's DO NOT CALL list. Do it soon; I don't know when it closes for the April 1st start date, and they might not have signups again for a year.