Diezel amps


Jan 21, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys, i tried out a Diezel amp when i was at the music store the other day and i have to say that it basically sounded pretty bad, not godawful or anything but not very good. Has anyone else tried these amps and if so do you have the same opinion?

I know they're supposed to be kickass and whatnot, maybe i'm just a shitty guitarist (very likely) but shouldn't i be able to atleast get a decent sound out of it? I fiddled with that sucker for quite some time without much progress.

I don't know the model name or anything but it was a 3 channel one (i think)
I tried one a couple weeks ago and I though it sucked too. I fucked with it for the better part of 40 minutes and never got a usable tone. It's crap if you ask me. You don't suck on guitar and neither do I, but that amp sure made us sound like we do eh?
Maybe you guys were playing the wrong "style" through it. Maybe the tubes couldn't handle the aggressive. I suggest you both go back and play some hard rock/blues on it. :tickled:
yup owned a diezel herbert (the three channel one)
Thought it sucked balls for anything other than wanky 80's leads(not a bad thing I quess)

But for metal it was shit, I really think they are way overpriced and overhyped, in fact I woul go as far as to say that a well tweaked pod would be better.


Nice to know it's not just me :)

But yeah, the sound was very 80's. There was one of the channels that sounded kinda good and i suspect it'd sound good for Doom and such music styles, i think it was channel 2. Anyways, this goes to show that expensive isn't always better...
Yeah... I recently bought a Randall RH100 that kicked ass for quite a few things. With the right guitar, right cab and a good player... it's really really good. The price.... got it for 280$ which is almost a tenth of what I paid for my Mesa and ENGL setups.
Plec said:
Yeah... I recently bought a Randall RH100 that kicked ass for quite a few things. With the right guitar, right cab and a good player... it's really really good. The price.... got it for 280$ which is almost a tenth of what I paid for my Mesa and ENGL setups.

I personally LOVE the nw Randal gear.. a good buddy of mine bought a Warhead full stack with 4x12s and 2x15s! Talk about MEAT! That thing is CHUNK for days! When he plays certain venues, they barely use the mains it's so frickin loud...

I'm really hot on checking out the more high-end Randall stuff. It's about the same price as for the ENGLs.

Me and a buddy of mine are writing some new material and we're using the RH100 for all the guitars on this little thing we did today. It's not properly mixed or anything and the arrangements pretty much suck right now, so pay no attention... just a fast scribble for some ideas, but the basic guitar texture is really nice I think. It's one SM57 on ENGL cab with Vintage 30 elements.

Randall RH-100 with Gibson Les Paul '70 Standard

... btw, here's the same setup with the ENGL Fireball amp

ENGL Fireball with same guitar...