Diezel with a 5150 tonestack ;)


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
I'ts been a while since I've posted anything. I've scored a new job, and am able to borrow stuff, like these new JBL LSR4328P with the matching sub woofer. I think i like them. Little bit too much high end, but nothing a mastering can fix. I've been fighting with some weird mid frequencies that I couldn't pinpoint until i found out that the Mackie D8B has digital aliasing artifacts.

After I removed the mixer, I think I hear stuff like I'm supposed to. The guitars are dual tracked, no additional eq at all. The chain is:Gibson LP with a Lundgren M6 -> modified TS808 -> Diezel VH4 with a 5150 tonestack -> Marshall 1960 T75s + Line6 4x12. ;) The bass is a Steinberger 5-string into a Triple Rec -> Ampeg 4x12. Drums are Superior 2.

It's not even well played, I just had a lot of fun. I hope you'll have it too. ;)


Tell me what you think.
Diezel with a 5150 tone stack? Care to ellaborate on that? Is it the Axe?

Awesome tone by the way!


Yes it is. When an amp is picked, the proper tone stack is loaded, but in the "advanced" tab, there's an option to change that to any of the existing amps. Like a Vox on a Recto, or a Marshall on a Dumble or and active tonestack with -+12db and no interaction between the frequencies. Pretty cool.
Yes it is. When an amp is picked, the proper tone stack is loaded, but in the "advanced" tab, there's an option to change that to any of the existing amps. Like a Vox on a Recto, or a Marshall on a Dumble or and active tonestack with -+12db and no interaction between the frequencies. Pretty cool.

Ahhh gotcha, thanks dude.

A little misleading to not mention that this is the Axe FX until you were asked dude ;) Sounds good, but very djenty, possibly because of how low the tuning is and how you play that opening riff in the right channel. I dunno, when everything kicks in, I have a hard time hearing much definition to the notes; it's not that it sounds necessarily muffled, though a little more presence could help...still sounds a bit flat and digital to me.
And can someone please post an Axe-FX tone that ISN'T djenty????? I was seriously GASing for one of these, but now the more I hear them the less I want one.
I like djent. My middle name is in fact djent (Jocke Godzilla Djent Skog). I post whatever clip I feel like. I'm NOT posting clips to get people to buy an AxeFX. It's called "Rate my mix/tone" not "Buy the gear I use when you hear the über-sound I achieve" or " Search for design flaws in my gear", so basically what I'm saying is: rate my tone or go to http://www.fractalaudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=19 and listen. Plenty of non-djent.

Obviously we don't share the same preference gear wise or sound wise. I'm cool with that. Now rate my tone or go away.
Sounds awesome... hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer before I can get another one of these!

And can someone please post an Axe-FX tone that ISN'T djenty????? I was seriously GASing for one of these, but now the more I hear them the less I want one.
the most :rolleyes:-worthy post I have seen on here in quite some time