difference 2 and 3 channel recto


Aug 7, 2009
What is the difference the 2 and 3 channel dual rectifiers? I know the older version has two channels and newer three. What is the extra channel? If given the option of buying the two channel or three is the three a sure choice? Soundwise is there a difference. The amp would only be used in studio, not live.
here you can listen to a comparison that Lasse made a couple of days ago between 2CH Dual & 3CH Triple Recto :headbang:
...take a listen to the samples and make your choice!

btw, the 2CH sounds much better to me , actually I'm thinking about selling or trading my 3CH for a 2CH... I use it only in studio so I don't really need the "extra channel"...

What is the difference the 2 and 3 channel dual rectifiers? I know the older version has two channels and newer three. What is the extra channel? If given the option of buying the two channel or three is the three a sure choice? Soundwise is there a difference. The amp would only be used in studio, not live.

general opinion is that the 2 channel duals sound better than the 3 channel duals, although the difference is probably minimal