Difficulty achieving 'big' vocal sound


Apr 11, 2006
I'm currently working on a mix where I'm struggling to achieve a big vocal sound. I'm going for a thick, textured mix and I can't help but feel that the vocal mix is letting me down - isn't filling as much space as I'd like it to. I've tried different reverbs and other effects without much success.

Vocals are SM7B straight into Midas Venice and 003 conversion.

Any advice would be appreciated on getting a richer and thicker vocal sound.

A example of a track can be found here.. Vocals don't start for a short while - skip to around 1:10...

Thanks heaps in advance.
It's a great idea to triple, or at least double track vocals. That way you can pull up the side doubles for build and release in certain sections of the song. It also widens the field. You can also try using a stereo microshifter on an aux and send it to the vocals and raise and lower it to taste. Keep your pitch variance moderate on the sides.
Heavy Compression is no crime when it coming to vocals like this. Doubling might help but has to be precise. I often use a multiband compressor to get the 3k and above range more consistent, after a normal in your face compression beforehand.