I might be way off here, but seriously, ProTools LE is an LE version. Considering Digidesign's position in the DAW market, do they really have any reason to implement more and more of their expensive HD rigs' features to the ~300€ version?
I didn't mean to imply that ADC is a huge deal. I use Cubase so I don't have anything to sincerely complain about in the first place, I hardly ever touch my MBox. I'm just saying, and I totally understand this is the LE version, (even still...) so many other DAWs have it, why not include it? It's not like you give LE the ADC and then bam, HD sales will truly suffer. In fact, it would probably boost sales with people flooding to their Digi retailer of choice to purchase the new 017+ Factory Hyper Pro Rack++ and PTLEXIV.IV (now with ADC!).
Really what I would be interested most is seeing all new interfaces that are a great improvement over what is currently available from Digi.
Not that I wouldn't love to have ADC on my M-Powered, but since I like PT and I'm serious about my goals in the audio business and about turning a nice hobby (hopefully) into a profession, I just accept the way it is and will eventually upgrade to HD.
Honestly that is what I'm shooting for myself. I'm riding out the time until I can afford a PTHD system and then I feel I will be set.