Digidesign´s new product for Guitarrist

personally, i would imagine that the next big technological step, as far as conversion and such goes, would be 32-bit recording...don't know if it's even really necessary, but people will make it whether it's needed or not!

The latest Sonar update goes on again about "64-bit floating point, 384 kHz final masters" - I'm still trying to fond an actual explanation of it though :lol:

I think the reason why 99% of the modelers out there suck balls is that the cab sim is usually crap. If Digi nails the cab sim, I'm pretty sure people are going to make this product do some crazy things. The Axe-Fx cab sim allows you to load your own impulses, and on top of that it sounds amazing. IMHO the cab sim is 80% of the reason why the Axe is so sought after.

I wasn't really a huge fan of the Axe-Fx when I had mine because the interface was a little too computer-like, but if the Eleven rack sounds good - I'll probably have to pick one up simply because it has knobs, and costs half of what the Axe costs...
