Digidesign Control|24

Has anyone ever worked with one of these? I'm still considering different options for a controller surface, and was wondering how this one compares to the C24. I love working on the C24, but I can't justify the price tag. Considering the Control24 usually goes for half of the price of a used C24, it seems like a pretty reasonable deal, but I have never worked on one.

I'm also open for options, but I've pretty much already gone through the usual suspects (Tascam US-2400 and such). I pretty much need something with at least 16 faders (preferably 24), full meter bridge, transport section and track name/parameter displays. A talkback/monitoring section is a huge plus.
we have it at university and I personally hate it for other work except for the preamps, but I can't justify the pricetag for 16 preamps.

edit: and for the record, the talkback button broke like after 3 months of use at the university and hasn't been used since 2005
we have it at university and I personally hate it for other work except for the preamps, but I can't justify the pricetag for 16 preamps

How come? I feel completely opposite about the C24.

Have you checked out the Euphonix stuff?


Yup, but somehow I feel the price tag comes more from the compact and sleek design than the features. Getting three of those would cost as much as a Control24, and I'd still be left without meters :/

The control 24 is sick cause it has all the focusrite pre's on it. if you like the c24 you would still dig the control 24

Damn, are the pres actually more usable than the ones in C24? That could just make the deal great for me!
The pre's on the control 24 aren't so great, I think they are the same as the ones they stick in the m-box, they're focusrite, but they're still crap. Definitely buy one for the control surface and think of the pre's as a bonus. My only complaint about the control 24 is the faders aren't as smooth and nice as the ones on the pro-control. I have heard the ones on the C-24 are supposed to be much better, but I have never actually used one. I really only ever use faders on control surfaces, so I can't really comment on any of the other functions.
i have worked on both the control 24 and the c24. i wouldn't recommend the pres of neither of them.

they have ridiculous price tags for being pretty much just a "big mouse" (like the icon) but if you have the money, go for it. your work flow is so much easier and fun with any of them. plus you get to impress your clients with the demo mode...hahaha

My Advice: +1 on a used Control 24
What about the Pro Control?

That would be an option, but the lack of track displays kinda puts me off.

The pre's on the control 24 aren't so great, I think they are the same as the ones they stick in the m-box, they're focusrite, but they're still crap. Definitely buy one for the control surface and think of the pre's as a bonus. My only complaint about the control 24 is the faders aren't as smooth and nice as the ones on the pro-control. I have heard the ones on the C-24 are supposed to be much better, but I have never actually used one. I really only ever use faders on control surfaces, so I can't really comment on any of the other functions.

Dang. Ah well, I was intending to use it for the preamps in the first place, so no biggie.

i have worked on both the control 24 and the c24. i wouldn't recommend the pres of neither of them.

they have ridiculous price tags for being pretty much just a "big mouse" (like the icon) but if you have the money, go for it. your work flow is so much easier and fun with any of them. plus you get to impress your clients with the demo mode...hahaha

My Advice: +1 on a used Control 24

How do you the like the faders on the Control24? I agree the price tag is insane for a mouse and keyboard replacement, but for me it makes working so much nicer I could easily spend three grands on it when I'm ready to take the leap. And while the impressing factor doesn't really count that much, it's unfortunately a fact that it's the first things bands focus on. If you've just got a mouse and keyboard, it's "yeah, a buddy I know has a place like this, he got all this shit from Piratebay." But if there's a shit-ton of faders, pots and blinking leds, they go "AWWWWW SHIT THAT THING MUST HAVE COST A FORTUNE, THIS PLACE KICKS ASS!" :/
What do you have in your studio?? There are ways to spend your money better if you dont already have great pre's and microphone.
As people have said, the PRE's aren't that great. 3 grand will get you 4 API preamps or 8 Focusrite RED 1 preamps (if you can find them)...
What do you have in your studio?? There are ways to spend your money better if you dont already have great pre's and microphone.
As people have said, the PRE's aren't that great. 3 grand will get you 4 API preamps or 8 Focusrite RED 1 preamps (if you can find them)...

I know perfectly well. I'm just planning for the future, trying to make things as clear for myself as possible in advance. Believe me, I won't be having a three grand controller accompanied by an ADA8000 and iPod earbuds - I have my priorities straight. I also know my workflow, and the fact that I hate having to rely on only a mouse and a keyboard. That's what I have at my home setup, but most of the places I have tracked at have a had a control surface of some kind, be it a C24 or a 003, so I know how one can improve my workflow. I'm not just keen on flashy lights and Vegas Mode, I'm not a bass player you know ;)
Wow great advice crillemannen, your talking about priorites and you have a crane song spider but work in PT LE?

I'm only busting your balls =)

Get a Control 24 they are ace and also it's never a bad thing to have 16 extra pres. You never know when they will
come in handy.
I recall there were a lot of reliability issues with the control24's. Didn't Andy own one? Maybe he'll chime in.

I remember something like this, too, but I thought he had the Control24, switched to the C24 which he had issues with and went back to Control24. Could be just my distorted memory. I'd love to hear his opinion about this!

the c24 is decent enough. i have no complaints tbh, its a nice centrepiece to a modern studio, which is what the clients want, eventhough id hardly use it, its not BAD at all.

Yeah, the C24 is excellent, I work on it quite often. I just can't justify the price tag. That's why the Control24 seems like a nice option.

Get a Control 24 they are ace and also it's never a bad thing to have 16 extra pres. You never know when they will
come in handy.

True. I'd be happy even without the preamps, but you never know when they might come in handy. I've used them for backup tracks when I'm out of better preamp channels.