Digital Performer vs Nuendo


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
I'm looking for a sequencer to use with my new iBook, I've narowed it down to Nuendo or Digital Performer. Can you guys help state a case for and against each of these? Currently my point of view is that Digital Performer is very nice but I'm already very (5yrs) experienced with the Steinberg interface. Maybe it's time for a change? Or is the 'tried and tested' route the best?

If you're perfectly happy with Nuendo, I don't see the point in changing, you'll only lose time learning a new daw. But if you see drawbacks and weaknesses in it, try to point them out and see if DP has them as well. Budget-wise, those are really not in the same category though...
Razorjack said:
Budget isn't really an issue, although it is one of the + points for DP. I think I might just take the plunge and try DP since I'll still have Nuendo on my PC.
do it... i'll give you any tips you need to get up and running quick. you'll love the new built-in "melodyne-like" pitch correction, and the Trigger plug-in.... for starters.
James Murphy said:
do it... i'll give you any tips you need to get up and running quick. you'll love the new built-in "melodyne-like" pitch correction, and the Trigger plug-in.... for starters.
DP has a trigger plug that comes stock?
James Murphy said:
do it... i'll give you any tips you need to get up and running quick. you'll love the new built-in "melodyne-like" pitch correction, and the Trigger plug-in.... for starters.

I pretty much made up my mind to get cubase sx3 but now I'm considering
digital performer also.
Is the waves C4 plug-in compatible with DP (DP :tickled: :tickled: )
From what I can make out on thier site it is but I dont know. They mention mas format and V4, V5 compatible. I get V5 is the latest version but I gotta find out about this other stuff that I'm clueless about like mas and native vs. TDM. :erk:
I want to get that C4 some day. :headbang:
Razorjack said:
Budget isn't really an issue, although it is one of the + points for DP. I think I might just take the plunge and try DP since I'll still have Nuendo on my PC.
id give it a try to man. to me it is set up so much easier than nuendo(i have 1.5). i am super stoked with it. i prefer it over protools personally. im sure youll see once you use dp that it really is super nice to work in. the plug ins james mentioned are super good as well as some of the other stock plugins it comes with. plus like you said, for what you get the price is unbeatable. check it out, theres plenty of dp users here to give you a hand.
Radd said:
I pretty much made up my mind to get cubase sx3 but now I'm considering
digital performer also.
Is the waves C4 plug-in compatible with DP (DP :tickled: :tickled: )
From what I can make out on thier site it is but I dont know. They mention mas format and V4, V5 compatible. I get V5 is the latest version but I gotta find out about this other stuff that I'm clueless about like mas and native vs. TDM. :erk:
I want to get that C4 some day. :headbang:
waves native plugins are compatible with dp.
I just had a look at the MOTU homepage and DP seems like a really cool program, I don't know why I haven't investigated that before!
I'd like to know though: does it only run on apple or is there also a PC version?

Edit: One more question. Is it hardware dependant so you need the MOTU hardware to run it?
tgs said:
I just had a look at the MOTU homepage and DP seems like a really cool program, I don't know why I haven't investigated that before!
I'd like to know though: does it only run on apple or is there also a PC version?

Edit: One more question. Is it hardware dependant so you need the MOTU hardware to run it?
Apple only.... and no DP is not hardware dependant (other than the Mac) , you can use literally any hardware... even digidesign.
James Murphy said:
do it... i'll give you any tips you need to get up and running quick. you'll love the new built-in "melodyne-like" pitch correction, and the Trigger plug-in.... for starters.

Thanks, I think I will go for it. It was that quick tour you gave me that really got me interested in it in the first place. Good stock plug-ins are a bonus as I have none for the mac atm.
abigailwilliams said:
hey i have a DP question.
with the beat detection... can you do more than 1 track at a time? or is it just one stereo track at a time?

oh and one more. can you freeze tracks to free up processing like in logic pro 7?

yes and yes