Digital Performer vs Nuendo

yea thats what i meant, hah its late and i been reading logic vs DP stuff allll night. i cant decide now. i hear DP is a cpu hog? but everything else about it seems right up my alley. i dunno.
abigailwilliams said:
yea thats what i meant, hah its late and i been reading logic vs DP stuff allll night. i cant decide now. i hear DP is a cpu hog? but everything else about it seems right up my alley. i dunno.
i actually think dp is really good on processing. with my 1ghz g4 with one gig of ram i have done projects up to 40 tracks with plugins probably on 30 tracks and the cpu is worked alittle past halfway. in the year and a half ive been running dp with this computer its probably only crashed maybe 10 times tops. im pretty happy with the results. on the same computer protools le is at about alittle over half the performance. so dp is pretty good in my opinion cpu wise. its a great program dont let any of the bad stuff you hear deter you. any program you buy will have downsides. take the plunge.
unsilpauly said:
i actually think dp is really good on processing. with my 1ghz g4 with one gig of ram i have done projects up to 40 tracks with plugins probably on 30 tracks and the cpu is worked alittle past halfway. in the year and a half ive been running dp with this computer its probably only crashed maybe 10 times tops. im pretty happy with the results. on the same computer protools le is at about alittle over half the performance. so dp is pretty good in my opinion cpu wise. its a great program dont let any of the bad stuff you hear deter you. any program you buy will have downsides. take the plunge.

right on. you got a good point, as long as its better then pt on processing itll be ok with me since thats what im used to anyways. all the new built in features of 4.6 really sold me. i woke up to late today, but tomorrow im going down to buy it. student discount. heheh
Out of curiousity....

Is there a free DP demo out there somewhere? I'm interested in trying it out and seeing how it is....
SPLASTiK said:
Out of curiousity....

Is there a free DP demo out there somewhere? I'm interested in trying it out and seeing how it is....
none that i know of...word of mouth usually suffices to sell it i think, so they don't boher with a demo. anyway, trust me, it's great, you'll like it... i did the DAATH stuff i posted a while back in it's enrietly in DP 4.5 and 4.6 (upgraded half way through).... ran it on a dual 2.5 Ghz G5 with 4Gigs Ram... usually over 48 tracks per song and literally dozens of plug-ins and virtual instruments. the ease of use is unsurpassed and the only requirment is that you have a Mac.
James Murphy said:
none that i know of...word of mouth usually suffices to sell it i think, so they don't boher with a demo. anyway, trust me, it's great, you'll like it... i did the DAATH stuff i posted a while back in it's enrietly in DP 4.5 and 4.6 (upgraded half way through).... ran it on a dual 2.5 Ghz G5 with 4Gigs Ram... usually over 48 tracks per song and literally dozens of plug-ins and virtual instruments. the ease of use is unsurpassed and the only requirment is that you have a Mac.

Yeah, Mac isn't a problem. I've just used ProTools so much that I'm so familiar with the way it works and kind of weary about trying DP. And then all the PT fanboys drilling stuff in my head.

Though it sounds like the way to go for plug-in counts and the trigger plugin sounds lovely. I really wish LE didn't have a track limit, though I'm almost thinking about biting the bullet and leasing a TDM.
Are the quick keys fully customizeable?

A friend of mine is also in the same situation, he just needs something for editing (he's a composer/Logic user) and really really loves ProTools but doesn't really want an mbox.

I think i might try to find a cracked copy or something off a torrent and giving it a try. If I like it, buy it.
SPLASTiK said:
Yeah, Mac isn't a problem. I've just used ProTools so much that I'm so familiar with the way it works and kind of weary about trying DP. And then all the PT fanboys drilling stuff in my head.

Though it sounds like the way to go for plug-in counts and the trigger plugin sounds lovely. I really wish LE didn't have a track limit, though I'm almost thinking about biting the bullet and leasing a TDM.
Are the quick keys fully customizeable?

A friend of mine is also in the same situation, he just needs something for editing (he's a composer/Logic user) and really really loves ProTools but doesn't really want an mbox.

I think i might try to find a cracked copy or something off a torrent and giving it a try. If I like it, buy it.

You can assign up to two seperate keystrokes plus one MIDI event to each and every command in DP. It's the most configurable app I've seen. It's amazing.
Well I downloaded it yesterday, and messed around with it a little. I don't know, there's some cool features but I don't like the interface as much as ProTools. Probably because I've really used nothing but ProTools for the past couple years except dabbling in Logic Pro every other month for some seqeuncing stuff. And some of the text seems incredibly hard to read at 1280x1024.

Maybe when I have some more time I'll sit down and play with it a little more.
SPLASTiK said:
Well I downloaded it yesterday, and messed around with it a little. I don't know, there's some cool features but I don't like the interface as much as ProTools. Probably because I've really used nothing but ProTools for the past couple years except dabbling in Logic Pro every other month for some seqeuncing stuff. And some of the text seems incredibly hard to read at 1280x1024.

Maybe when I have some more time I'll sit down and play with it a little more.
it's very easy to confuse what one is used to as a preference. personally i prefer some of the pro tools convertions over those of DP.. .but DP has equally as many which i prefer over PT... maybe even more. my preferences developed over time working with both apps.... i hated DP at first simply because i wasn't used to it.
SPLASTiK said:
Well I downloaded it yesterday, and messed around with it a little. I don't know, there's some cool features but I don't like the interface as much as ProTools. Probably because I've really used nothing but ProTools for the past couple years except dabbling in Logic Pro every other month for some seqeuncing stuff. And some of the text seems incredibly hard to read at 1280x1024.

Maybe when I have some more time I'll sit down and play with it a little more.
yea i would definetley give it a chance man. i mean if you have protools hd thats one thing. but protools le just doesnt even compare to dp. like james said, once you get used to it there will be much about the application that you will prefer over protools. for me anyway editing on dp is way faster and more convenient. also the midi capapbilities blow away protools for sure. id keep an openmind and just play around with it. in no time youll be into dp like the rest of us here, there is a reason, its a great application with tons going for it.