DiMarizo Pickups

Well, I'd to say ddicosmo is right, it's just my opinion.

I wouldn't say ESP is a mid-range guitar...maybee their LTD line.

A friend of mine, a few years ago got a ESP Eclipse, before ESP decided that "Endorsed" users can only use ESP guitars and switched it to LTD for the public. And it sounds mint. And there are Seymour Duncans in his, but at that time they came standard with that guitar. But The LTD guitars arnt half bad though, a little on the heavy (weight) side though.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
GOOD CHOICE... i've got basically those same pickups, just a little hotter in my guitar, and i love them with all my body (even my peepee) EMG are also good... i had 81's in my old guitar and they sound alright, BUT i just don't think they have the character of the Dimarzio ones. It is all personal preference, but i think Dimarzio makes the best pickups, particularly the Evolution, Steve's Special, and the Air Norton... all such lovely pickups!

You have a 7-string yes? How do the pickups go about recreating that Meshuggah rhythm tone? ;) :p (serious question though)
I just brought my guitar to the shop to get the Seymour Duncans installed, and it will most certainly be ready tomorrow.

Can't wait! :D

BTW, I really wouldn't rate Jackson USA Custom Shop guitars "mid-range"...
Hi all. i play Black/death/thrash metal and i have 4 guitars, just 3 in use. i have a fender japan reissue 1950. with 3 original fender pick ups that i do not know the model. but may be standard models. i bought 3 pick ups from 3 major different industries : emg, seymour duncan and dimarzio.
i have a jackson js-1 made in india. both their original pick ups are very cool, i just replace the birdge for a Dimarzio Evolution.
nd it sounds really great. but... for blackmetal alternated picking, it sounds a little bit buzzy, but it stills greath for death/thrash palm mute riffing and stuffs like that.
i bought emg-81 to use in bridge, but i don´t know how guitar i will put it.
and i have a jbjr for seymour duncan, bridge position too.
i have anotehr guitarr a strato 1960 copy made in brazil by tagima.
anyone wants to trade pick ups iformation?
i have a crate gx80 amp combo and i use boss metal zone to distort it all.
Actually... I have an Ibanez RG 320 and I'm considering buying a single Humbucker for the bridge position... I'm thinking Seymour Duncan JB model... I'm a total newb and I don't have that much to spend... am I making the right choice? I'm aiming for an all around sound... any advice? Thanks.
Okay, I got my guitar back last Friday with the Seymours installed.

I love both the JB and the '59!
When I got home and played my Jackson for the first time on my own amp I could right away take back the gain two steps since the JB has much more output then the stock EMG-HZs.
It's just more powerful , but still also provides great clarity of tone.
I can definitely recommend this pickup. Although it probably doesn't suit an already very bright sounding guitar since it has alot of mids and highs (and I don't know if it sounds that good on a solid state amp either).
But for my setup this pickup just rocks.

And for the '59, well, it's just a classic for the neck, nothing more to say.
Eh... wtf!?

Then why do most of the USA Jacksons have them as stock pickups? I mean, these guitars were designed with the metal guitarist in mind...
BTW, some artists who use the JB are Dave Mustaine and the guitarist from Nevermore, whatever his name is. (Disclaimer: This could be wrong, but I was told this).
Those guys play metal, don't they?
I don't know much about the other Dimarzio pick up range, but I went through months of research trying to determine what was the most suited bridge pick up for my style and sound and I decided on the Dimarzio Evoloution. I FUCKING LOVE IT!!
Perfectly suited for my sound, and in my opinion you'd be hard pressed to find another high gain bridge pick up that will perform with as much tonefull clarity as the EVO.
I first bought an EMG 81 cause it was recommended to me and it sounded like balls. That was one of the worst pick ups I'd ever heard. And believe me, I went through limitless hours of hard core e.q work to try and get a decent sound, as I didn't really relish the idea of just spending $269 on an active pick up that has one of the best reputations in the industry.... and having to get rid of it again. Which I did.
I just couldn't get a sound of it I liked.
The Evo on the other hand is hella Yummy.
I highly recommend that pick up.
I have mine in an Ibanez JS 100(Joe Satriani).
Hails guys... i´m thinking ... i want to buy that dimarzio air norton for the neck of my guitar, i would like to know the tone...
can you send a little mp3 sample to me , or put it on your own HP and send me the adress?
just 30 seconds or 1 minute of sound. DISTORTED One of course.
What is the bridge pick up that Peter lindgren uses on his les paul custom?