Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon

Yeah, well...I actually like Shagrath's voice better than Vortex's. Somehow the clean vocals just don't stand out to me in Dimmu Borgir.

You know a band that could use clean vocals if they did it just right? Nile...
Death Cult Armageddon has to be one of my favorite albums of the year. Iv been a DB fan for about 2 years now and this album really shows how much they are improving over the years. To kick off the album, Allegiance, Progenies of the Great Apocolypse, Lepers Among Us, and Vresybred (i probably spelled that wrong) are some of the best DB songs ive ever heard. My favorite song off the album would probably be Vresybred. Although i have NO idea wtf Shagrath is saying, the song is awsome!
It's better than SBD...

I also happened to like PEM, too.

EDT is awesome, I know, but I can't personally get into it...
It took me a long time to warm up to this album, but I'm now starting to really appreciate it. I'm not so concerned about the technicalities of Galder's riffs, or the measurement of Nick's drumming... I think it just sounds cool, fuck it if its not as 'deep' or 'complicated' as ETD or SPD!
I liked PEM, ETD and SBD better than DCA (these are the only 4 dimmu albums i have). It has some good tracks on it, but in my opinion nothing great except Progenies. And btw, the opening track is fucking SHIT. Fear and Wonder on PEM was an awesome opener, but Allegience, well, the intro is annoying and the song itself isnt even that good. Give me Fear and Wonder/Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny any day! :rock:
I think the album is amazing. Symphonically, it's a step up from Enthrone, in my opinion. When you look at how far Dimmu has come since For All Tid or even Stormblast, you can tell that these folks are just going to keep getting better and better.
I think the album started off pretty strong, but died on the last couple of songs. I don't know why they are being so anal about getting a damn drummer, Barker is good enough for their style. The new video is ok, I am already sick of the riff they play in the song because they play it a zillion times. I know they are capable of doing something really good again, Spiritual Black Dimensions I think is the best one.