Dimmu Borgir


Third Eye Guy
Jan 13, 2002
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I d/l Puritanical the other day, and I gotta say, the music is good, but I don't like the singing at all. Does it grow on you? Also, whats your favorite Dimmu album?
My favorite Dimmu is SBD, but there´s nothing wrong with the other records. If SBD had as good prodution as the latest I would be even more convinced...
I don't really like Shaggraths vocals much. But I love ICS Vortex's vocals.. he's amazing..

I'm not a big DB fan though... But Puritania and Stormblast are my fav albums..

If their next album combined these 2, I think they would have album of the year... But I doubt it's gonna happen. But now that DB have great musicianship, I think they could pull off an amazing Epic record, if they perhaps slowed things down a bit like Stormblast, and let Vortex sing a bit more, while staying nice and evil...

Just my thought's...



They can have slow periods... and then speed up again.. have some dynamics... think of some of the slow moments in SPD... they rocked! I hope they keep the string orchestra though, they sounded great. I love IndoctriNation.
kick shagrath out the fuckin' windows: hestnaes can handle both types of vocals.

puritanical is very very good: the first track is especially cool until it reaches the end, where the violins play the same high note forever.
Yes!! a Dimmu thread...

I love them greatly. I'm not sure if the vocals will grow or not because I've always loved Shagrath's vocals from the very beginning. I don't think they're particularly strange or anything in the genre of black metal... If anything I find them to be quite savage at times, and he avoids the boring monotonal rasp of many of his contemporaries without going into the over-the-top theatrics of his main rival Dani.

Obviously Vortex is amazing too. I like it how he's not over-used. Just when you're slipping into the music he suddenly appears and lights the whole song up.

My favourite album is easily Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia. It's fucking incredible. I heard that they'll definitely be using the orchestra again which is good news.

Spiritual Black Dimensions and Enthrone Darkness Triumphant are both very good too. I think the former just wins out though. I won't comment on Stormblast or For All Tid because I'm not qualified... but basically they're not as good *cringes from Klaha*

DIMMU BORGIR :headbang:
Originally posted by saturnix
kick shagrath out the fuckin' windows: hestnaes can handle both types of vocals.

puritanical is very very good: the first track is especially cool until it reaches the end, where the violins play the same high note forever.

i fuckin agree....shagrath isn't that bad but simen is better at both types of vocals....he was amazing when he was in borknagar, too bad he isn't anymore....although vintersorg is pretty damn good too
Notice how the guitar thingy at 1:51 in kings of the carnival creation is ripped directly from Arcturus' Master of Digsuise (4:11). Cheap. Stupid.
I have said this earlier, but here wo go again.. I love the early Dimmu stuff...:p The atmosphere is unbelievable, especially on Stormblåst. Yummy!! And then EDT is nothing but a legend. But then comes SBD, which is a total mess. PED gets to be a little too technical and stuff. Sounds a bit too much like death metal to me for a black metal band. :rolleyes: Nick Barker's drumming is not as emotive and sensitive as Tjodalv's IMHO. I want Stormblåst back!!:yell:
I don't get the whole dimmu-thing, in my ears, they suck, simple as that. after I saw them live saturday, I'm even more sure of that.