Stormwatch said:
Dimmu Borgir?

Er, pish? Try Darkthrone springs to mind. But then, I have to think this is a troll starting this thread.

WTF, a troll well whatever I also listen to cannibal corpse, but storm blast was one of there better albums.
ænimated said:


Good post. I like you. I like you a lot. Sorry, when I see a thread about more "commercial" bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Slipknot or Cradle Of Filth or something like that I just jump to the conclusion it's someone taking the piss out of the "stupid heavy metal fans".
It's strange how silly people always use capital letters, "words" like "SUX U FKN RETARD" and \m/ to parody a post that was actually NOTHING like that. :Smug: It's always hilarious.
It looks more like he's making fun of the people who would say something more along those lines to me. It could easily be taken either way.
My favourite full Dimmu song is/was "Dodsferd" or whatever it's called... I don't remember too clearly. The piano pieces were cool as well.
Crimson Velvet said:
"Antikrist" and "Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til". They haven't released a single interesting song since Stormblåst.

I can see why you'd say that. I really don't know what it is, but a lot of the stuff on DCA really appeals to me. I think a lot of bands could utilize a symphonic approach like that. Perhaps without the cheesy overdone satanism, pentatonic riffage, and Lysol-Windex superduper clean production, Dimmu would have achieved credibility for such an endeavor.
Kings of Cranival Creation.... am i the onle one who thinks spellbound was one of the best dimmu songs ever?.. and mourning palace...
anonymousnick2001 said:
I can see why you'd say that. I really don't know what it is, but a lot of the stuff on DCA really appeals to me. I think a lot of bands could utilize a symphonic approach like that. Perhaps without the cheesy overdone satanism, pentatonic riffage, and Lysol-Windex superduper clean production, Dimmu would have achieved credibility for such an endeavor.

True True. I think Dimmu has potential to be a good band. Or maybe had potential. Unfortunately for them, they're unable to have a good photo shoot.


Ok, so what the fuck is going on in this picture? Why is Shagoroth wearing a dress? Im guessing by the bored expression on mustis's face hes thinking... HEY! I found a nickel!

Serriously, they fuck up alllll of their photo shoots. But Mustis, (keys) who writes most of their songs is a good composer. If it were more of his shit and lless cheesy satanic bullshit I'd really like Dimmu.
Dimmu are fucking great.

I love the cheesy Satanic stuff, listening to Dimmu makes me happy.

Favourites -

Kings Of The Carnival Creation

Entrance , Prudence Fall , Progenies... (without Vortex = no) , some of SDB are ok. etc..
I don't like Dimmu all that much.
but Kings Of The Carnival Creation is pretty good.

so is Hybrid Stigmata.
Glampers said:
I love the cheesy Satanic stuff, listening to Dimmu makes me happy.

Me too man. My favorite is Puritania!!!!
"Countdown to exterminate the human race"
"Let Chaos Intwine, on Deffenceless Soils" HAHAHAHA that robot voice kills me but at the same time I love it so much.