
New Metal Member
Nov 27, 2007
My name is Chris and I'm a patient at the New England Sinai Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts due to my having Muscular Dystrophy and being ventilator dependent.

I'll be going to the Amon Amarth show at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston on May 7th.

I'm not sure if anyone on the forum can help me out or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I'm trying to find out how to contact Amon Amarth's management to see about meeting the band.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated and mean a lot to me.


I'm sorry to hear that you have Muscular Dystrophy and I understand it must be really hard at times but I fail to see why you should get to meet the band because of it. I know a guy who has cerebral palsy and he is a fan of the band but he never wants any special treatment.

I'm sorry if I sound like a asshole but I think you should just try to meet the band like every other fan and not use your disability.
Dude i'm sure you can get vip tickets at the venue to be able to meet, greet, and stay for soundcheck.
Let us know wether you'll meet them and if you do so please tell us your experiences then. I keep my fingers crossed for you.
I don't know how the disability access law is in the US but here you are guaranteed easy access into the audience part of venue and front of house staff are legally required to ensure that your needs are taken care of- if you go with someone as your carer he or she may even get a free ticket into the venue.

Having said that, I don't think this means the venue staff can take you backstage or even be legally allowed to... from their point of view, backstage is not where the audience normally go and it may not be accessible and therefore a liability under their insurance.

On the other hand, if you go to a signing session you are guaranteed to meet the band. Best of luck either way!
VikingGimp said:
My name is Chris and I'm a patient at the New England Sinai Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts due to my having Muscular Dystrophy and being ventilator dependent.

I'll be going to the Amon Amarth show at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston on May 7th.

I'm not sure if anyone on the forum can help me out or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I'm trying to find out how to contact Amon Amarth's management to see about meeting the band.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated and mean a lot to me.



bro just send them an email through the contacts page of their website, there is no guarantee of anything but, as I like to say, "you don't get if you don't ask"...
BurningCreation said:
I'm sorry to hear that you have Muscular Dystrophy and I understand it must be really hard at times but I fail to see why you should get to meet the band because of it. I know a guy who has cerebral palsy and he is a fan of the band but he never wants any special treatment.

I'm sorry if I sound like a asshole but I think you should just try to meet the band like every other fan and not use your disability.

Is it "special treatment" to want to meet your favorite band when you're so physically disabled? I can see your point but I doubt you would hold to it if you lived even a month in this guys shoes...

Hospitals are bleak places full of despair & I can't imagine living in one but if I did I would not hesitate to ask such a question, it no doubt provides a decent distraction to life amongst tubes & the stench of sickness that he lives with so I don't hold it against him.
you sholdn't have any problems meeting the band, just show up an hour or two prior to the show go to the tour bus area and ask, simple as that

My name is Chris and I'm a patient at the New England Sinai Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts due to my having Muscular Dystrophy and being ventilator dependent.

I'll be going to the Amon Amarth show at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston on May 7th.

I'm not sure if anyone on the forum can help me out or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I'm trying to find out how to contact Amon Amarth's management to see about meeting the band.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated and mean a lot to me.


I'm sorry to hear that you have Muscular Dystrophy and I understand it must be really hard at times but I fail to see why you should get to meet the band because of it. I know a guy who has cerebral palsy and he is a fan of the band but he never wants any special treatment.

I'm sorry if I sound like a asshole but I think you should just try to meet the band like every other fan and not use your disability.

I know that it sounds like I'm using my disability as an excuse to meet the band, but I'm really not. I'm just explaining my situation so people understand the difficulties I face. I don't get out very often, but when I do, I want to make it special and memorable. I rely on others to do just about everything for me and most of the times it's on their terms and not mine. I have no problem hanging around after a show to try and meet a band, but the people who take me out and the wheelchair van driver don't have time for that.


bro just send them an email through the contacts page of their website, there is no guarantee of anything but, as I like to say, "you don't get if you don't ask"...

I've looked at their contact info and you can only email Booking, Label, Press and Website. Nothing about Management.


VikingGimp said:
I've looked at their contact info and you can only email Booking, Label, Press and Website. Nothing about Management.



yep use continental concerts that will work, did for me a few years back :) just explain your story & wait for a response.
VikingGimp said:
I know that it sounds like I'm using my disability as an excuse to meet the band, but I'm really not. I'm just explaining my situation so people understand the difficulties I face. I don't get out very often, but when I do, I want to make it special and memorable. I rely on others to do just about everything for me and most of the times it's on their terms and not mine. I have no problem hanging around after a show to try and meet a band, but the people who take me out and the wheelchair van driver don't have time for that.



Dude you explained yourself already & have no need to do so again. If anything you deserve a fucking medal for having the will to get up every day & face a world that most take for granted so I think you've earned a meet & greet with whoever you damn well like :)