Disgusting rapist.


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May 1, 2003
Sverige för fan
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I read about a fucking horrible rape today. A 67-year old dumbfuck raped a 9 year old girl in a refugee centre in northen Sweden. A forced her to drink whiskey but she couldn´t keep it down and got sick. When the parents came to look for her he locked her in a closet and told her that he would kill them if she told them what happened.

And what punishment does he get... 3 fucking years and a deportion... they should send the fucker to Svalbard... I´d like to see him try to get some from the polarbears.

Sometimes I agree with the women in the feministgroup Virus. Put a curfew on all men and stop serving them alcohol in bars.

Rape someone your own size fucker! :muahaha:
sufferer said:
Kill 'em all, god damn I hate humans. Rape is for pussies who can't get any on thier own. This guy should be butchered.

I don´t know why I got so pissed when I read this. It´s not the first or last time something like this will happen. Suppose it was because the girl was a refugee. She could very well have been mentaly unstable, maybe the family had fled from a warzone or something and then she meet this cagemonkey.

Bubba must visit him in jail and show his who his real daddy is... and Bubba, you don´t need to brush your yellow perlies or comb the hair on your back, this will only take a few minutes! :flame:
If the punishment fit the crime, even the most fucked-up loony would think twice before committing the crime in the first place.

That piece of shit should be tortured to death.
yeah its a damn worry,just look at the bali bombers,those cunts could walk free on a technicality,why cant they just say they found them hanging in a cell,all these victims are going to have to go thru all this bullshit again,jeez life sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThraxDude said:
If the punishment fit the crime, even the most fucked-up loony would think twice before committing the crime in the first place.

That piece of shit should be tortured to death.
Well I fucking agree on that. In our country, one could get away with 8 years for a murder. Always when I talk to someone concerning that topic, I am 100% for torturing as a legal punishment. See I´m pretty much against the death penalty coz I think it doesn´t solve anything, but I would like to see how these fuckers behave if they had the perspectivity of burning their skin down behind bars.
This shit is crazy.
johnnieCzech said:
Well I fucking agree on that. In our country, one could get away with 8 years for a murder. Always when I talk to someone concerning that topic, I am 100% for torturing as a legal punishment. See I´m pretty much against the death penalty coz I think it doesn´t solve anything, but I would like to see how these fuckers behave if they had the perspectivity of burning their skin down behind bars.
This shit is crazy.
There should be a punishment for blind faith in government to torture the right people.
Hang him in the town square and castrate him with tin snips. After the sun goes down, and he bleeds to death, make his family come retreive the carcass.