

Valar Morghulis
Feb 20, 2007
Fairfield, CA
I have heard that this band is kind of Opeth-ish. Has anyone ever heard of them, and what do you think? Do you recommend them or not? (With appropriate reasons as well, please.)
Their disc Back to Times Splender is great and I think would appeal to Opeth fans but the newer one called Gloria is a complete change in style minus a song or two...
IMO Disillusion is a very good band, they are somewhat opethish..
All the albums rock, except for Gloria, its industrial,
You should listen to some song..

I would recommend them :) :p
Haven't heard of them before, I'll give them a try.

Edit: Ah shit there's different bands from different areas with the same fucking name.
the debut album was basicly an Opeth clone, but still quite good. their latest release 'Gloria' is awesome. a fine piece of original and innovative metal. look forward to see them at the Summerbreeze this year
I absolutely love Disillusion! Back To Times Of Splendor is fucking brilliant. I heard alot of bad stuff about Gloria, but I gave it a shot anyway, and although it is a HUGE departure from BTTOS, it's still a good release nonetheless. I would HIGHLY recommend them, although I can't really compare them to Opeth. I guess there are certain similarities in style...