Dismember tonight


Spawn of Possession
Sep 30, 2006
Fuck ya. Megadeth twice and Dismember/Vital Remains in a 4 day span.

Any of you bitches in the NYC area going to this?

Hi, btw. Mr. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV told me to come here.
LivingCadaver said:
I'm going to see them in Montréal with TESTAMENT and BRUTAL TRUTH!


I have tickits for that. but i have to get back to the army before so you're gonna have to headbang for me too my friend.:kickass:

The God That Never Was
Bleed For Me
Collection By Blood
I Wish You Hell
Skin Her Alive
Where Iron Crosses Grow
Time Heals Nothing
Casket Garden
Silent Are The Watchers
A Faithful Tragedy
Dreaming In Red
Override of the Overture

That's not in any real order, other than the last 2 songs :)

Amazing live band. So much fun. Dueling guitar solos, simultaneous headbanging while lined up on front of the stage, coming out to greet the fans, feeding off the crowds energy. One of the best live shows i've seen yet.