
Walt Disney was a racist cunt, who gives a damn whether he's spinning in his grave or not?

Actually, wait, I do. If he was, that'd be pretty impressive!
Girl is cute as balls but is barely 17.

I don't see what the big deal is... Christmas song gone pop punk, sung by a Disney actress. You expected greatness?

We need to chill some day Jeff...you bring the lotion
LOL there are even tons of breakdowns. I don´t dig the music, but I like the idea of heavy guitars for kids. The vocals are terrible, though. Doesn´t fit the song at all, and it´s loud as a karaoke.

ps: Disney is such a slut machine. How much time it will take before this one also shows up without panties on the internet? It seens that it´s almost part of the contract with the company.