Dissection Vs. Megadeth

Kiss The Void

Captain Awesome
Feb 23, 2004
Fresno, California
Dissection - Cancels Metalist Festival, Hits Back At Dave Mustaine
posted on 05-13-2005 @ 4:07 PM by - slasher
Legendary Swedish death/black metallers DISSECTION have been forced to cancel their performance at the Metalist festival in Tel-Aviv, Israel, due to the performance of MEGADETH. Frontman Jon Nödtveidt leaves the following message:

"I unfortunately have to inform you about the fact that DISSECTION have been cancelled from the Metalist Festival in Israel (a gig which was 100 percent confirmed), obviously as a result of Mr. Dave Mustaine of MEGADETH (who are headlining the festival) not wanting to play with Satanic bands (according to himself because of his new-found Christian beliefs)! I'm also informed that we are supposed to share the bill with MEGADETH at Fury Fest (France) later in June so I therefore want to say, on the behalf of both DISSECTION and myself; Mustaine, you dare to put yourself in our way but you don't dare to meet us? You want to have DISSECTION cancelled because you do not dare to face true opponents in faith?! You think this will stop us?! We are Satanists, yes, truly enemies of yours! For we are the antithesis to cowards like you! If you are a man of true belief, meet us in France at Fury Fest and stand up for it! Or will you have us cancelled this time too?"
okay, now for my thoughts on this...seriously, ive been a loyal fan of megadeth for quite some time. but this is where i draw the line. not wanting to play with a band due to their satanism, or not wanting to write about "evil" topics any longer are one thing. but when you take action to cancel other bands youre playing with because of what theyre about, thats another. and dave has gone too fucking far this time. like i said, im a megadeth fan...but really, him flinging his christianity around isnt acceptable. i also heard hes not playing some of the classic songs from his back catalog on tour due to their topics or whatever, this is also fucking bullshit. if you dont want to do classic megadeth songs, youre not fucking megadeth. if you want to write christian music, and play exclusively with christian/neutral bands...then stop flying your music under the megadeth flag. if this is how dave is going to behave, he needs to hang it up asap before he further profanes the name of the legendary megadeth
That you can see in the metallica film, where he suffers from an identity crisis.

He needs to rejuvenate himself in some cool, new age music like SECRET GARDEN FROM NORWAY....

I never liked dissection, they are posers, who are wimps.
I think the irony of being in the metal music business and having problems playing with "satanic" bands means you're probably in the wrong business. Maybe it's time for Mustaine to start working on that country album...

If Believer could tour with King Diamond, I think Mustaine should be able to handle a festival with Dissection.
I knew you'd mention the Metalist Festival in Israel...
my good friends orgenize it... I can tell you that the message they gave out
was that Dissection postponed, not cancelled.
althought, they won't play with Dave Mustain....
what sucks is, that Dave is big enough to pull this "satan" card
but the honest truth is.... I'd go see Dissection every day over Megadeth....
and so would 90% of the orgenizers.... :/

I'm so sick of hearing this.
If theres a fight though Jon is gonna get his ass handed to him. Dave is like a third degree black belt haha.

EDIT: Well, unless Jon whips out the homo killer gun and goes to jail for 10 more years. =P
Jons pretty fucking bulky from all those years in Jail though. Plus Mustaine would waste time praying before fighting Jon, inevitably getting stabbed in the back.
Read somewhere that like 5 morons attacked Mustaine in a movie theater or something cause he was being a prick, and he sent all 5 to the hospital with his ninja skills, lol.
Yeh, but Jon is a big fucking guy.
What is up with people from all these big name bands suddenly going bible hopping? Maybe the Christies are taking lessons from the Scientology idiots and actively recruiting celebrites.

Yes, I'm aware of the paradoxical nature of that statement.

Look at J.R.R. Tolkien, he was a very devout Christian, and yet, e.g., Varg Vikernes kneels to him in preparation for fellatio. The simple reason being Tolkien didn't rub it in , so that many people apparently don't know of his religiousness(He was good buddies with C.S. Lewis, also religious, who also didn't rub it in). Granted of course, both writers have Christian symbolism in their writing, but you won't see it unless you know to look(although a bit easier to see with C.S.L.).

Anyhow my point being is that it's possible for the pious sort to write about so called "forbidden" topics and not suffer a lapse of conscience and that it happens often.

My conclusion? Dave Mustaine is just a prick lately, and it has nothing to do with his religion.