

New Metal Member
Aug 2, 2006
Listen to where Nights Blood, and then to little red riding hood
Basically sounds like a complete ripoff.
Dissection and Children of Bodom are pretty much completely similar, only Dissection were around before Bodom..
You don't make up music, you composed it, so what's the big deal?
erm...I only hear verrry few simillarities between the beginnings of Lil Bood red and Nights Blood...the mood, the tune, theres nothing the same.

And tw:
Nights Blood > Lil Blood Red Riding Hood
I'v never heard the song, but if you're talking about simularities, i think Old Man's Child's song "Millenium King" sounds a lot like Bodom's "red Light in my eyes pt. 1 or 2" song.
Those songs really aren't very similar at all. The choruses are a little bit similar, but not a whole lot. There is a little bit of resemblance, but it's only a really small part, and they're not that close. Let's just say this: if it was a family resemblance, it would be between like an uncle and a nephew or something like that, not identical twins. You know what I mean? Anyway, CoB totally didn't "rip-off" that song at all.
Goddamnit, rip-off or not, just go to whine about rip-offs in dissection forums or something... Should i give a fuck if Bodom sounds like some other band if i heard bodom first (and think its better).
-[chop]-;5607714 said:
These threads pops up like once a month or smt...no big deal imo...

Quoted for the truth...

...at least this one wasn't as ghey as the "Alexi ripped off Mozart and x943843843443 other bands" one. :lol: Still pretty ghey nonetheless.