I've heard good (possibly better) things about the Hot British model. Eric Johnson had one in his rig for a while if I'm not mistaken. I'll be making an ever-so-dreaded trip to Guitar Center here shortly and I'm planning on giving the Tonebones a rundown if I've got time.
Great pedal...I think EJ supposedly uses (or at least has once used) the Classic. I really wish in hindsight that I waited for the Hot British...they just didn't have one available. Now I'm squirming to try and trade...I'm so damn fickle it's ridiculous.
I do have to say...on that same trip, I picked up a Marshall ED-1 Compressor new for 60 bucks...that pedal is a great value!
Ok...went to Sam Ash after work and tried the Hot British. Great pedal, but I prefer the voicing of the Classic...whew! It is quite nice though...no one else makes distortion pedals like these guys!