The only Disturbed songs I really still can tolerate are the "Shout 2000" Tears For Fears cover they did on their first record, and on the following record, the song "Remember" is actually pretty cool, especially the chorus. Otherwise, they are an absolute waste of time. They always talk up their forthcoming material so much, but I really honestly feel that they have gotten worse with each album they've released...the chord structures have gotten more boring, the melodies have gotten more boring and typical, and the solos are only notable due to the fact that they bothered adding them. And what I think irritates me the most, is that you would think that after four or five albums into their career, their singer would quit it with those lame, gimmicky throat noises and at least try to somehow step up his role in the band and be able to look back and see that he has been progressing in his craft...but over the years of casually paying attention to them, I have continued to get the exact same stale vibe from him. It seriously sounds like he puts no thought whatsoever into progressing as a vocalist or even just simply being creative, and that kills what little good feelings I might have otherwise had about Disturbed.