Division with Black Widow and Twist of Faite at Mac's in Essex, 4/26


Division Guitarist
Feb 11, 2002
Woodbridge, VA
Come out and see us do an hour (how often does THAT happen anymore?) of new and old tunes, and support Black Widow's CD release party. We don't get up Baltimore way very often, so take advantage of it! It's cheap ($5), the beer is cold, and we're going to do some new songs you might not have seen - and an old song we haven't done since 2002 or so, I think.

Mac's MySpace, and, for those who need directions, the address is:
525 Eastern Blvd.
Essex, MD 21221
Essex is that part of Baltimore that everyone outside of Essex wishes wasn't part of Baltimore.
I don't know if I can persuade MB to go back to Mac's after the dust mite attack last time. We'll see.
You know, I'd LOVE to come (bug repellent a must) but uhm...
Carpooling sounds faboo, the drive there w/ Dragongrrl was soooo long and I think we got lost anyway LOL