Feb. 25th - Division, Odin's Court, Images of Eden at Mac's...

Saturday nights show was awesome. All three bands kicked ass, and for the place looking like a dump, the sound was actually GOOD. Certainly better than Jaxx lately, anyway. That was the best Division has sounded in a long time, and it was certainly the most room I've seen them have on stage in quite awhile.

Essex is, um, not nice. You know you're in a quality area where you drive past a shopping plaza on the way there that has both a Dollar General AND a Dollar Tree! They need to book more metal shows at the Ram's Head downtown...

Meteornotes said:
Saturday nights show was awesome. All three bands kicked ass, and for the place looking like a dump, the sound was actually GOOD. Certainly better than Jaxx lately, anyway. That was the best Division has sounded in a long time, and it was certainly the most room I've seen them have on stage in quite awhile.

Essex is, um, not nice. You know you're in a quality area where you drive past a shopping plaza on the way there that has both a Dollar General AND a Dollar Tree! They need to book more metal shows at the Ram's Head downtown...


Thanks for dropping by, Dave - I was rather stunned at the quality of the sound during the soundcheck.

We'd love to do the Ram's Head, but they don't seem too interested...
Meteornotes said:
Essex is, um, not nice. You know you're in a quality area where you drive past a shopping plaza on the way there that has both a Dollar General AND a Dollar Tree! They need to book more metal shows at the Ram's Head downtown...

Hehe, as we pulled off the exit, Mike said, "It's always a good sign when they first thing you see as you pull into town is a tatoo parlor..."

...then three seconds later, we saw the first of about eight bail bonds offices. :lol:
Dundalk and Essex had a football competition recently called the Toilet Bowl. Whoever lost got possession of the local shit factory, which sits on the border between the towns.

Both my coworkers definitely enjoyed the show, and they said they felt bad that the turnout was so small. I looked at them and said, for a local show without a nationwide draw, that was a LOT of people. Usually when you guys play up here, it's just me and the other girls, and a handful of other friends. It sounded great.

Rob was making fun of me for mostly standing in place the whole time. I reminded him that it was an amazing feat that I was upright in the first place; any further movement would probably result in sudden deceleration trauma. *g*
Cheyanne said:
Uh, if it's any comfort, hubby & I found a tick on my arm
Well, it turns out it was just hives. A quick shower and she was good as new.

If you guys can ever get into the Recher, that would kick ass. Towson isn't nearly as wonked as Essex (and it's about 20 minutes closer to me), and if you can put up with a bit of local plastic college frat people, you're golden. Nick and Ron especially know the area, since we practically got sardine fucked by about 600 of those kids shooting pool that night (with MB right along side us). Plus, we could get food from any one of 2 and a half dozen restaurants, sub joints, coffee shops, etc. that surround the place, and you won't have to wait a fucking half hour just to be called "Hon".

The only thing that sucks about the Recher is it's longer than wide, so the view and sound leaves you a bit wanting, but its a big place with a nicely sized stage.

Still had a great time seeing you all. There has got to be less time in between seeing each other this time.
Cheyanne said:
Uh, if it's any comfort, hubby & I found a tick on my arm :OMG:
Needless to say I was not pleased and a tad traumatized
No clue where it came from between my car, the show, my car again and home, but I suspect it was from that bar we got food at ;)
hehehe ebil place
See? You should have let me kill someone - all that fresh blood, what tick could say no? :grin: I could always say the clowns made me do it...

Andrew - was great to finally meet you too! Next time maybe I'll get introduced properly to the lovely MB ;)

Great show - very high energy. I loved that. As did the little Essexual guy dancing nearby during the set. Fucking classic. :rock:
Aeturnia said:
Andrew - was great to finally meet you too! Next time maybe I'll get introduced properly to the lovely MB ;)
Absolutely. Admittedly it was a bit of a wonky night for us, so I do apologize for not properly introducing you two on Saturday. I promise, next time I definitely will.
Hey Guys!!

I had an absolute blast playing with y'all on Saturday! I really love working with you guys! You put on an awesome show and are professionals from start to finish.

I loved returning to Baltimore for the first time in almost two years and I practically live there! Honestly, I grew up on the other side of town, but have never had a problem with that side. I'd MUCH rather play in Essex than in Brooklyn -- plus it is definitely the most metal side of town! Metal has long lived in Essex and it goes over better there better than any other part of Baltimore.

Ram's Head would be great but isn't realistic for shows our size. Mac's has a lot of potential for some one with a vision. I love the stage and sound system. At least it has intact bathrooms unlike the now defunct T-Dome. :lol: I don't like the Recher though. There is a weird vibe in that room that I've never gotten anywhere else before. And its only like 30-35 minutes for me - also making it a closer choice. It does have a great stage but its layout sucks and sound suffers int here as a result. The House of Rock would be cool, but they seem to book mostly cover bands.

Anyhow, I'm looking very forward to our next show together at Jaxx! It will be an awesome night!
The only show I almost went to at the House of Rock was supposed to be Into Eternity and Amorphis. They were originally scheduled for The Thunderdome, but they closed their doors before the show date, so it was moved to the HoR. Too bad the PA system wasn't, and the show was canceled. :hypno:
The Recher is kind of a dump, but it is in Towson, which is like five minutes from where I live. Plus next door to the Recher is the Rec Room which has godly burgers (they are Mary approved!). The place was PACKED for Opeth a few weeks back.

Mac's was cool, they just need food. I'm still amazed I didn't get a horrible headache from not eating all night.

Not sure why the Ram's Head wouldn't be interested in some more metal shows, considering that the Anthrax show pretty much filled the place. Maybe they're trying to be more "upscale" or something. I have not been to House Of Rock yet, so I don't know anything about that. I do miss Thunderdome, which despite being in a horrible neighborhood, was actually a fun place.

Mac's was certainly a zillion times better than Hot Spot.

Or Fletcher's, for that matter. I still can't believe SymX played there.
Ah, The Hot Spot. Home of what is still among the greatest lines I've ever heard someone say: "I'm not a bum, I'm a hobo!" That place was amusing. I have no idea if it's still there. It was a Country place the last time I heard anything about it.

Fletcher's is about the size of an attic. One of the smaller places I've seen a band at. Much like the place where I saw The Gathering in San Francisco, which was the size of an average basement, with no stage. The band just set up against one wall, and we all just stood around them in a semi-circle while they played. That was different...

I believe Hot Spot shut down... at least I think that's what someone told me.

The Sidebar Tavern is pretty damn tiny too. I met Big and Nancy there one night to see Slough Feg. Elbow room only. Isn't Green Carnation playing there soon?
You haven't played a rat hole until you've played at what used to be Hal Daddy's downtown. I think he got shut down and then reopened elsewhere, but he didn't have a liquor license and simply took a rundown rowhouse and turned it into a bar. The "stage" was the stripped out basement that led directly to a swamp of a backyard. The second, and also the last, time I played there, the basement flooded and we almost lost our set time because of it. We managed to escape having our equipment ruined.
Hyperplex said:
You haven't played a rat hole until you've played at what used to be Hal Daddy's downtown. I think he got shut down and then reopened elsewhere, but he didn't have a liquor license and simply took a rundown rowhouse and turned it into a bar. The "stage" was the stripped out basement that led directly to a swamp of a backyard. The second, and also the last, time I played there, the basement flooded and we almost lost our set time because of it. We managed to escape having our equipment ruined.

We've spoken about this many times - Hal Daddys gave crap-holes a bad name... :lol: