Feb. 25th - Division, Odin's Court, Images of Eden at Mac's...

jaimek said:
Looks like both coworkers will be coming, and they may even be toting friends...

I'll be arriving with the Thistledown contingent - never mind that none of us have played in over a year!

o.O Thistledown?
Fun times.

Sorry we had to book it early...believe it or not MB got attacked by dust mites in the air right after OC started playing. O_o That's Essex for you.

For those who had their first taste of Baltimore last night, remember this: Essex is in its own biosphere of ghettoness. I think some of the scenes at the club were evidence enough of that. It's ambiance does not apply to the rest of Baltimore.

It was great seeing all of you again, and MB and I can't wait for the next time. Also great to finally introduce myself to Alicia. It's about damn time. ;)
Cheyanne - Thistledown is a server on Asheron's Call, a game that Nick, Calvin, Fran, and I all used to play.

I had a good time last night. I even remember. uh. most of it. *g* My coworkers loved the show - I'll find out just how much THEY remember, as they were even more tanked than I was...
I just wanted to chime in about the performance on the 25th. I found the show to one of the best, if not the best, that I have ever seen Division perform. There was so much frakking energy there and the performance seemed to be enjoyed by all involved that it totally blew me away. Ya, the peep in charge of sound could have done a better job but looking at the stage performance and energy, I was just blown away. Of course that could be related to the fact that the reverberation resonated in my crotch but hey, at my age, you take what you can get.:Spin:

jaimek said:
Cheyanne - Thistledown is a server on Asheron's Call, a game that Nick, Calvin, Fran, and I all used to play.

I had a good time last night. I even remember. uh. most of it. *g* My coworkers loved the show - I'll find out just how much THEY remember, as they were even more tanked than I was...

HAH! Thought so; ahh the good old days :)
I ended up merging my monarchy w/ Danier's and half my people stayed under Nick ;)
Hyperplex said:
Fun times.

Sorry we had to book it early...believe it or not MB got attacked by dust mites in the air right after OC started playing. O_o That's Essex for you.

Uh, if it's any comfort, hubby & I found a tick on my arm :OMG:
Needless to say I was not pleased and a tad traumatized
No clue where it came from between my car, the show, my car again and home, but I suspect it was from that bar we got food at ;)
hehehe ebil place
NickDivision said:
good luck in the tourney Scott. I may have someone doing jugs for plugs on 98 rock for this show next week, so that'll help!

Didn't get home from Emmitsburg until 8:00PM. We qualified a bunch of kids for Nationals w/ 5 gold, 2 silver and three bronze.

I'm waiting for the next qualifier as I'm just getting over the dreaded stomach flu.

... metal AND bingo... someone so needs to elaborate... sounds like I missed a fun one :(
Cheyanne said:
HAH! Thought so; ahh the good old days :)
I ended up merging my monarchy w/ Danier's and half my people stayed under Nick ;)

Aha, I didn't know you used to play. He conned me into joining. And then I moved on to World of Warcraft...
scooterSST said:
Didn't get home from Emmitsburg until 8:00PM. We qualified a bunch of kids for Nationals w/ 5 gold, 2 silver and three bronze.

I'm waiting for the next qualifier as I'm just getting over the dreaded stomach flu.

... metal AND bingo... someone so needs to elaborate... sounds like I missed a fun one :(

The club literally looks like a Bingo hall - faceless sheet-steel building with a big yellow sign out front, and the inside even resembles it. However, the sound was godly, the stage size was great, and the crowd was good-sized. (Pretty drunk, too - right, Jaime? ;) )

Oh, and beer was $3.
Cheyanne said:
Uh, if it's any comfort, hubby & I found a tick on my arm :OMG:
Needless to say I was not pleased and a tad traumatized
No clue where it came from between my car, the show, my car again and home, but I suspect it was from that bar we got food at ;)
hehehe ebil place

That's messed up. :cry:
cAlThEmAd! said:
I just wanted to chime in about the performance on the 25th. I found the show to one of the best, if not the best, that I have ever seen Division perform. There was so much frakking energy there and the performance seemed to be enjoyed by all involved that it totally blew me away. Ya, the peep in charge of sound could have done a better job but looking at the stage performance and energy, I was just blown away. Of course that could be related to the fact that the reverberation resonated in my crotch but hey, at my age, you take what you can get.:Spin:


I thought the FOH sounded really good when I was out running around, but it was REALLY loud - much louder than either of the other two.

Glad you enjoyed it, though, and thanks for coming out - we'll be back, and in less than two years...
eaeolian said:
The club literally looks like a Bingo hall - faceless sheet-steel building with a big yellow sign out front, and the inside even resembles it. However, the sound was godly, the stage size was great, and the crowd was good-sized. (Pretty drunk, too - right, Jaime? ;) )

Oh, and beer was $3.

heheheheh Nick's the only one that'll get this but...

ECW!!! ECW!!! ECW!!! ECW!!!
we had a friggin' blast, that was great. I was worried when we got there that the place was gonna stay that empty, and more worried that we wouldn't have bar access since it was a separate room, but that was all fixed.

Cal..that was hilarious. Plex, sorry bout the mites but you're right, Essex is like Joe Dirt-ville compared to downtown Bmore, which is a different type of frightening.
Mike: thppppt!

I meant to tell you, btw, that I may get to meet Greg Bear and Gregory Benford this summer at WorldCon. (Nerd Central!)
*slaps head* I got my Killer Bs mixed up. I meant to say DAVID BRIN instead of Greg Bear. I'm toting along my very beat up copy of Glory Season, that' for sure.