do any of you ever wish that you owned recording equipment?

i'm feeling creative as fvck today and all i have in this house is a goddamned keyboard! i don't even have any of my guitars over here, nor my bass.

i guess the question is this: if you had a dearth of instruments and decent recording equipment, what kind of music would you make? how good or shitty? have any of you ever recorded any music? (waits for Sorath, Erik, M. Lehto, VEHEMENCE and the Scald dude to reply :loco: .)
@ Erik: wow, yuo R teh MOZART of meatl!!

or at least the dan swano.

i wonder how much crappy music i would pilfer the world with if i had a studio. (not saying that swano or nasheim are even close to being crappy)

which of those projects/styles do you find the most rewarding? the most enjoyable?
Home studios are ridiculously cheap nowadays. I have a buddy that records all his stuff on his PC with Cakewalk and sounds better than most "professional" studios. He does sequencing, unlimited tracks, etc., and it all sounds great. Of course, it helps that he's an incredible musician as well, but you know.

I have the basic crap (4track, drum machine, 6 miles of cable), but nothing fancy. It works for me though, because my most rewarding music is all jam based, usually done with other musicians on an impromptu basis. Other than that I write shitty little ditties, which I don't like to share. :D

By the way, there was a thread probably a year ago (or more) on home studio stuff, TONS of information on it, I recommend a search. Unless you've read it / posted there already, in which case I'll just shut my piehole.
ERIK: well let's face it, we're all gonna buy your shit no matter what you make! :D

i've often wondered if my creative muse is invoked through individual-actionary (made that phrase up!) autonomy or reactionary response. i often find, in writing/directing/whatever (yeah, me and some friends made a low-budget film that was been quite a bizarre hit at our HS ;) ) that i am more of a reactionarty creator. i.e. i can't come up with my own ideas for shit. however, if i am given an idea, i can run with it and a whole world of beautiful creativity is revealed.

it's an odd thing, really. i could probably never function as a "solo" writer of music. if i actually can make a career out of writing (MY dream job), i would probably have to get basic ideas for works from somewhere besides my own mind. if there's an idea, i expand upon it and take it places never expected in the original framework. but there has to be a miniscule skeletal design there first. (poetry, for some reason, is much different).

do you see what i'm saying? i.e. do you see yourself as a full-functioning CREATOR or a reactionary ANIMATOR (such as the chemistry that exists in a band, a group of artists, etc.). or do you see yourself as RE-ANIMATOR, a short scientist guy named Herbert West who brings the dead back to life?
We've been in like 6 bands together throughout the years. The best name (but not the best band) was called The Buckwheat Conspiracy. :loco:

I definitely feed off other musicians, so I suppose I'm an animator type, although I tend to also be a control freak with music, so the creator bit comes into play about equally. Creatimator.
Yea ive got loads of recording shit. Most of its really cheap old mics and 4-tracks and such. Ive got a drum machine just for inside when I dont feel like going outside to record with my drum set. Ive also got three 4-tracks. One dosent even work. 4 billion cables, half a dozen mics, and my main 18 track recorder (Korg). Ive played in bands before but Im the only person I know that listens and enjoys playing Black metal, so Ive ended up playing all the instruments myself. Ive got 4 guitars , 2 bass's and a ever expanding drum kit.
Black Winter Day said:
that i am more of a reactionarty creator. i.e. i can't come up with my own ideas for shit.
I'm the other way around, I have plenty of fucking great ideas but I generally lack the skill to get them out of my head and into music... When I learn I will finally be able to make Nasheim stuff, butt I won't do that unless it's really good. gköljskgjsädf im tiread =(=(
I just came across that shitstain in my promo outbox an hour ago, I made a dirty face at it.
I can't be bothered with reading this entire thread, but I've been recording stuff for years. Whether it is the shitty recording of my high school band that JayKeeley and Markgugs have or the "pro quality" stuff I do now on my computer, I've always loved to get ideas on tape/disc/whatever.

Anybody that has a good computer can download a bunch of software form Kazaa or DC++ or whatever and do a nice recording. If you want better sound, spend $150 on a soundcard (NOT Soundblaster crap). Of course you will need microphones and all that stuff for recording anything that you can't hook direct.

Here's a good site for home recording. They have a great forum as well.