Do any of you read album reviews?

Yeah, I read metal-archives reviews all the time for albums I'm thinking about getting. I listen to songs to make my decision though. But you can tell a lot when a reviewer doesn't know what they're talking about I guess.
I read the first few lines of net reviews to decide whether to continue or not. Usually not.

I prefer reading printed reviews. No strain on the eye, plus I payed for the ability to read them so might as well get my money's worth. That's why print > web.
I do. The reviews on MA are basically only good for the more well known metal acts. Usually only people who really like an album bother to write a review, so a lot of bands have really one sided reviews. People reviewing outside of their favorite genre(s) tend to give poor reviews. I should write a few more soon.
Only if i'm in the "holy shit i can afford to buy a new cd" mode, and even then i'ts not something i weigh my final decision on, find the cd i'm thinking about get them to play a bit before i buy or not, Has saved me some cash in the past, if they refuse to play it i leave and go to another store, in the end i can decide better than any critic or reviewer if i like it.
I generally read the reviews on MA before downloading something I'm not familiar with (almost everything). I also look for recommendations and shit on MA
I read the reviews, but it is rare that I find someone that I see eye-to-eye with.

I generally like to find out from someone I know the tastes of (the general tastes) for they are more reliable than an int4rr w3bb person.
dill_the_devil said:
I read Nin Chan and Drew Ailes' review on Metal Review, Jason Jordan and Nathan Pearce's review here at Ultimate Metal, and that's pretty much it.

Nin Chan has now quit Metal Review and has joined Diabolical Conquest.
dill_the_devil said:
I read Nin Chan and Drew Ailes' review on Metal Review, Jason Jordan and Nathan Pearce's review here at Ultimate Metal, and that's pretty much it.

I read yours too, man. Nate doesn't write too many anymore, but I like Patrick's a lot. As far as Metal Review is concerned, I usually read Erik Thomas's and Drew Ailes's reviews religiously. :loco: