Do any of you suffer from depression?

I used to be horribly depressed... to the point of suicidal thoughts. But my mom pulled me out of public schools, and it gave me a chance to clear my head and realize how stupid I was being for letting every little detail get to me, so I started getting better. Then in high school it started coming back - I tried to push it down but that didn't work, so I quit school and started working at McDonalds.... here's a tip, DONT DO THAT! It made things so much worse.

After that I got my GED and went to college. Ever since starting college I've been happier. A combination of not being around so many infuriatingly moronic people, taking classes that I don't see as useless to my career, meeting more intelligent mature people, and losing 70 pounds has helped me a lot.

I was diagnosed as bipolar about 6 or 7 years ago, but I've been able to drop it to a far more mild case. The whole mind over matter thing really is a big part of it, though it's not all. When your brain has a chemical imbalance, there's only so much your will power can do. So nowadays I'm on Effexor, and I usually just try and will away as much as I can. Tell myself to not be a puny wuss.

In the past year I've only had one or two real meltdowns, as opposed to almost daily several years ago. And yes, drinking makes things MUCH worse, don't do that. Drink when happy, make you happier!

So, there's my life's story, any questions class?
Well... I guess I can't really complain compared to some others here... My life is going pretty well mainly because I handle it well. I stay away from negative energy and focus on my own personal growth. I do remember feeling like shit at some point in my life but I don't even remember the when and the why so I guess it wasn't too much...

Other psychological ordeals happened to me though... but I won't get into that...

yes...the best advice anyone could ever give coming from larf..."stay away from negative energy and focus on yourself...don't worry about others!" I'm learning that the hard way right now...but life goes on, and it's too fucking short to yearn and feel sad for stuff...especially yourself. But always remember those things are way easier said than done and the mind is very *vulnerable if so to can make you feel all those unwanted emotions that you have no control over etc.