Do the musicians maketh the band ?


Utopian Blaster
Oct 6, 2005
The Fens
By which I mean the misdemeanours of the individual members of the band.

I take as my point of reference the allegations made against Thee Plague Of Gentlemen's frontman some time ago - which saw the record going out of print after being dropped by IHate records and the dissolution of the band. Many fans (including me) stopped listening to them (though I have recently punched myself in the face and started listening again).

Does it matter to you what crimes the band members have committed before ? Are there double standards in what crimes are overlooked by the fans ? (I refer to the offences of murder which Faust and Jon Nordveidt were convicted of, which didn't seem to alter their popularity any).

Does it really matter what the musicians do when they aren't playing music, and why do we give a shit about information regarding the band members of bands anyway ?
Thoughts ?
Generic response: I could care less about the band members' non-musical endeavors as long as they make good fucking music. :p
That is kind of the response I have come to now; though certain crimes might taint the listening of an album for a while, perhaps ?
It matters to an extent, but it certainly doesn't make or break a band. For example, I think Varg Vikernes's ideas are worthless (because he's so gaddang religious), but that doesn't stop Burzum from being one of the hands-down greatest bands I've ever heard.

As for CRIMES though, that helps if it does anything. I like extreme music. And to me, part of being a truly extreme artist means being an extreme human being. So I love the fact that some of the guys I listen to like Varg and GG Allin were honestly extreme human beings, who lived the music that they wrote about. With true artists like that, it's like the music is nothing but a necessary side-product of the anti-societal lifestyle they live.

But when push comes to shove, most of my favorite artists are people who don't really do the extreme things that they sing about. And I'm fine with that because the music is too damn amazing. So, like I said, it doesn't matter that much to me, nowhere near being one of the defining factors for what I like. But as to the original question, depending on the type of music, I like it when they do criminal things and spend time in jail. But it has to be the kind of music that lends itself to that stuff. If not, then I simply don't mind.

Also, as an after-thought, I do consider most of the artists I listen to to be pretty "honest". You can sing about extreme things as in "I'm literally gonna go out and kill you" or you can sing about it hypothetically while still being honest. Like for example Eminem is seriously talking about his alter-ego. And people often say things for the sake of how it makes them feel. Somebody might say "I'm the best person ever," just for the sake of defending themselves against people who insult them. To me that's legit because you know why they're saying it.
...I'll just agree with SouthernTrendkill on this one.

And also, I have never heard of this band you mentioned before, "Thee Plague of Gentlemen".
I didn't care about the TPoG thing (except me being sad that they wont release any more albums, Serpentcult is nowhere nere as good). I listen to it just as much. It feels kinda weird to have seen a child rapist live though. :p

Things that tick me off more then crimes is when the people are just totally failures at life and/or not serious about their music for one bit. For example Kanwulf from Nargaroth. I don't really care much in those cases either though and enjoy some of Nargaroths stuff anyway.
Most people, heavy metal fans included, are willing to look the other way as long as the product being supplied is of a certain quality. Take for example Michael Vick, no matter his past transgressions, once he gets out of jail he will get a contract to play somewhere. And quite frankly, I would have no issue with him playing on my home team. Furthermore, when considering most crimes, I would hope those individuals would be able to have a second chance.

While there will undoubtedly always be people who refuse to look the other way, most of us are a "what have you done for me lately" type.
Things that tick me off more then crimes is when the people are just totally failures at life and/or not serious about their music for one bit. For example Kanwulf from Nargaroth. I don't really care much in those cases either though and enjoy some of Nargaroths stuff anyway.

Fucking :lol:

Tell the Kanwulf story again!
Generic response: I could care less about the band members' non-musical endeavors as long as they make good fucking music. :p

Exactly. And musicians/as in musicians we do whatever we want and if someone has a problem with it they kiss our ass! :). I think playing in instrument in someways makes you think you're a exception to the rules even if you're not regardless if you have actually gotten anywhere as a musician or not. I sometimes feel like a rockstar regardless not being one!. I think musicians in someways think they can do things and only positive results will come out of it when it's not always true. It's like I have a guitar,etc.. fuck you. You don't even have to give a shit still fuck you.
The band members could all be Nazis, child molesters, anti-blonde hair with green eyes (aka me), etc. and I wouldn't care as long as they made good music. It used to affect my listening habits but I've gotten over it.
It's the music that matters, not the band's image. Anyone who refuses to listen to music solely because of the actions or beliefs of the artist, is a fool IMO.
As for CRIMES though, that helps if it does anything. I like extreme music. And to me, part of being a truly extreme artist means being an extreme human being. So I love the fact that some of the guys I listen to like Varg and GG Allin were honestly extreme human beings, who lived the music that they wrote about. With true artists like that, it's like the music is nothing but a necessary side-product of the anti-societal lifestyle they live.

This is really stupid. How the fuck can you love the fact that this dude stabbed someone in the head? Idiot.

I prefer when the dudes in the band aren't murderers or rapists. That said, I still listen to Gorgoroth and Emperor, so...
Knowing that one of the musicians in a band is or was a serious criminal often makes me less willing to listen to them. If the music is good enough (i.e. Emperor), and they're not all murders or rapists or what have you, fine. If it's a one-man band, forget it. I will never even listen to a Burzum album, let alone spend money on one. I've heard enough of his material on internet radio to know what it sounds like, and it's not good enough to make me support a murderer.
It's only the message that comes through the music that matters to me, and even this is less of a factor than the music itself. Often I want my music to be empowering or inspiring, and if the band simply inspiring neo-nazism, for example, then I'm less likely to feel connected to the music.

But having said that:
1) I can't think of any bands who I have a policy of not listening to, and
2) Idiotic 'fuck the world' lyrics or banal Cannibal Corpse type lyrics cause me the same degree of disconnection to the music.

It doesn't affect the way I listen to NSBM, for example, because usually the fact that they're bigots doesn't affect the music itself (at least outwardly).
I avoid stuff like NSBM because I don't have too much interest in the music and I'd prefer not to fund bigotry. I wouldn't deliberately not listen to a band because of their lyrical content.
I will never even listen to a Burzum album, let alone spend money on one. I've heard enough of his material on internet radio to know what it sounds like, and it's not good enough to make me support a murderer.

Yeah cuz the money goes straight to a funnel which pours the funds into his prison cell, right? :lol: Total ignorance.
Money would end up in his hands at some point because he owns the material and must be earning royalties. His mother might be getting some of it, and she appears to be cut from the same cloth that he is.