OneMetal.com Music Editor
My tastes moved into the underground after I became disillusioned with the relative lack of true creativity within the nu-metal genre. Now I feel that there is more creativity, talent and passion within the one band band in the underground scene than can be found in a hundred incipid rap-rock clones. But then again, nu-metal does have its place. Albums from a band such as Opeth are a gradually fulfilling experience - you're swept up into the song as it passes, and then into the rest of the album by the desire to see where the music goes next. When someone like Korn releases an album, the gratification is immediate, but less long-lasting and as such less-satisfying. If I don't feel like listening to all of Opeth's Blackwater Park (rare, but sometimes I don't!), then I may well shove a couple of Korn songs on for a quick blast.
Nu-metal is the junk food of the rock world - short-lived, of no nutritional value, ut satisfying while it lasts.
Nu-metal is the junk food of the rock world - short-lived, of no nutritional value, ut satisfying while it lasts.