Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

OK, let me rephrase that. What I'm trying to say is that I feel that it's absolutely retarded to judge someone by his/her musical preferences alone. Having said that, people who say that metal is "noise" and a less valid form of music, need to kicked square in the nuts.

I only look down of people if they look down on me as a metalhead. Basically, I look down on the closed minded people. You don't have to like metal for me to think of you as an equal, but don't insult my musical tastes just because you don't understand it. :zzz:

there are many closed minded people in my school who watch and listen to top 10 songs on MTV. :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: and wont even give metal a try, not even power metal. I guess people dont like blast beats and blistering fast guitar rifss and solos, thats ok, we'll keep the good metal for us :kickass:, they can go listen to their gay green day :Puke:
90% of Metalheads think they're open-minded because they listen to Metal but they don't listen to anything but Metal and think everyone that doesn't listen to Metal is closed-minded.
I played a breakdown in a grindcore song the other day through a computer in school, and my teacher's response was, "eh, sounds the same as every other death band"

and he is very into music of all kinds, from classical to pop to old school rap to grunge etc

you would think he would be more open minded, because that is ow he is with art and music.
I listen to tons of genres besides metal, but I do still look down on other styles and their fans because there are some things that I just think should not even qualify as music. If they have a right to mock heavy metal without even listening to it and pretending they have some vast knowledge just by hearing a Slipknot song in Hot Topic, then I have the right to tell them they're fucking idiots and that everyone who listens to emo is gay and should be annihilated.
I'm irritated by people who hear 3 seconds of cannibal corpse, and instantly comes to the conclusion that all of metal is screaming over distortion

I really hate people who claim first off that Cannibal Corpse are a mediocre, "gimmicky" band, and have nothing on the likes of Opeth or Mastodon - then, have them claim that in fact they don't mind Cannibal Corpse after all having actually listened to a fucking Cannibal Corpse album. These people who post opinions that are regurgitated from other people suck.
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I'm open minded. Just six months ago, I opened my mind from listening to nothing but thrash, grind and death metal - now I love black metal and doom as well (although, I'm still having a difficult time getting my head around the folk aspect of some black metal bands - i.e. Moonsorrow and Ancient Rites). I love Viking folklore and the giant Norsemen that kicked the shit out of the world - but what's with the faggy folk music that accompanies it?
I don't look down any other genres of music... except rap. I hate its view on the world and the way they treat others in their lyrics. Hip-hop is the same and R&B is just too fucking boring.

But I can list a lot of bands and projects that arn't metal that I listen to.
I really hate people who claim first off that Cannibal Corpse are a mediocre, "gimmicky" band, and have nothing on the likes of Opeth or Mastodon - then, have them claim that in fact they don't mind Cannibal Corpse after all having actually listened to a fucking Cannibal Corpse album. These people who post opinions that are regurgitated from other people suck.
Agreed CC aren't that bad.