Do you consider suicide a selfish act?


Sep 7, 2001
I don't mean to throw a sob story on you guys, but my father killed himself and my mother attempted suicide. My father left the family with a mountain of debt, that is why I have given this question a lot of thought. Do I consider suicide a selfish act? I have decided for myself and my situation that people have chemical and enviornmental factors that impact a choice like suicide much more than any kind of greedy personality trait. In some cases people say it is a selfish act, in a case dealing with money or a lost loved one (my situation) but to those people I say a person willing to kill them self has a much deeper problem than a money issue or a lost love issue. I think suicide is a massive collection of traumatic events and problems with the brain, and people are not experiencing a "real" self pity when they kill themselves.
personally, I wouldn't commit suicide unless I was terminally ill and there was nothing left for me in life but pain and suffering until my body finally dies.

I think any other reason, no matter how much life sucks or how tough things are, is pretty selfish, because you're taking yourself from the people who love you and care about you.

I think it's especially bad if you commit suicide because a girlfriend broke up with you or something, because then you're just doing it to make her feel guilty.

For money reasons... hmm... I don't know. I suppose if a situation was bad enough, I couldn't blame the person doing it, but I don't think I'd do it for that type of reason.
I think everyone thinks about suicide at one point in their life, some think a lot more serious than others. The only way I might commit suicide is like rogue said if there was absolutly nothing left in life for me but pain and suffering. I mean living in poverty with no hope of getting out or things of that nature. It is a selfish act if you have someone who cares about you or depends on you I think. My cousin attempted suicide last April in the army and now he is retarted for the rest of his life. I have never felt so bad in my life when I heard that news.
If as much as one person cares about you, then suicide is a selfish act.
But if no one else gives a fuck, then why not.

Esse est percipi.
I agree, if people care about you its incredibly selfish, but that isn't my main reason for thinking its a stupid idea. I mean now matter how shite life is at one time, why end it when it could still get better? (Tho some circumastances are a lot more understandable than others). I'm basically saying suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I also agree with Rogue27 tho, that if you're dying etc.
Hmmmmmmm....... Most of you mentioned that when a person has someone who cares about him/her,commiting suicide is a selfish act... I don't think this is the matter in all cases.... In many cases people who care can't really help or really reduce the pain the suicidal person feels.... We should first of all consider that people commiting suicide usually aren't able to make such kind of reasoning like "I have my friends, there are still some pleasant things in life...." etc.... They just wanna get away from the pain or even punish themselves and usually they don't think about the pain they will cause by doing so,not because they are selfish but just because desperation makes them focus only on their current awful situation... I mean we just can't blame them for being selfish,it's a tough word,cause they don't really intend to cause that kind of pain.... And even if they wanna do it for getting revenge (I don't think this is really often,since there must be something more than just intending to make other people feel guilty),still we can't blame them for acting in a weird way,cause usually suicidal people are depressed people ------->they just can't see things as clear as the people who doesn't suffer from this disorder....

Of course i don't imply suicide is the correct thing to do... I just can't label people commiting suicide as selfish... Those matters are really sensitive,every person is different..... Consequently every case is different and it's not so wise to do generalizations in such cases....
No. Suicide isn't a selfish thing. If that is the only way to kill the pain, then it is set what you have to do.

I understand that while pain may be eased in your soul, the pain is simply lumped into everyone else's hands. But then, by killing the pain, who says you are asking them to pick up the peices.

...But there is better ways to kill the pain. Music for instance...
Originally posted by Melancholia
Hmmmmmmm....... Most of you mentioned that when a person has someone who cares about him/her,commiting suicide is a selfish act... I don't think this is the matter in all cases.... In many cases people who care can't really help or really reduce the pain the suicidal person feels....

The selfish act of suicide is to kill a friend of your friend (yourself)
There is no excuse for that.
Originally posted by Johan
If as much as one person cares about you, then suicide is a selfish act.
But if no one else gives a fuck, then why not.

Esse est percipi.

You have a point - but in reality, when people commit suicide, they *think* nobody "gives a fuck" when in reality, they are wrong.

As for melancholia's comment - doing something for yourself without thinking about the consequences for those around you is selfish by definition.
i think its a stupid thing to do because theres loads of things you could do instead of killing yourself, think of it as an extra life, what would you do with an extra life, well a lot. if not for yourself you can even go off to a third world country and do something. theres always loads you can do, so whats the point in killing yourself. but yeah if your board, and have nothing to live for just do it. i hate the phrase 'a selfish act' :mad: , fuckin annoys me, do what you like, just remember when your dead you cant come back.
Many of you seem to fail to realize that people who seriously contimplate suicide aren't thinking rationally, they are mentally ill.
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Many of you seem to fail to realize that people who seriously contimplate suicide aren't thinking rationally, they are mentally ill.

Such generalising is dangerous, and I disagree with the statement in general. Deep depression isn't a mental illness. It's more normal than we'd like to think.
Originally posted by Johan

Such generalising is dangerous, and I disagree with the statement in general. Deep depression isn't a mental illness. It's more normal than we'd like to think.

I totally disagree, just because it is common does not mean it isn't an illness, cancer is very common, are you saying cancer itsn't an illness? Ok a bit extreme, but I am just making a point.
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
I totally disagree, just because it is common does not mean it isn't an illness, cancer is very common, are you saying cancer itsn't an illness? Ok a bit extreme, but I am just making a point.

But its nature does. Everyone suffers from depression at times. Admittedly if it's more severe you could calss it differently, but I don't think classing it as an illness is a good idea
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

I totally disagree, just because it is common does not mean it isn't an illness, cancer is very common, are you saying cancer itsn't an illness? Ok a bit extreme, but I am just making a point.

Not extreme, but totally inapplicable. The mind is not a physical organ, you can't treat it as such.
I didn't even say suicide thoughts are an illness because it's so common. I said it was normal.
Originally posted by Johan

Not extreme, but totally inapplicable. The mind is not a physical organ, you can't treat it as such.
I didn't even say suicide thoughts are an illness because it's so common. I said it was normal.

sorry, it is hard to capture context on a message board, i considered common and normal synonyms in our discussion
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

sorry, it is hard to capture context on a message board, i considered common and normal synonyms in our discussion

Think of it as the opposite for mental illness ;)
well - getting a cold is pretty common too, and that's considered an illness.

Depression comes and goes. You might be depressed for a couple days and then snap out of it. You might have a cough for a couple days then it goes away. They're both illnesses. They're both usually just ignored and allowed to run their course.

However, being depressed just about all the time is something that should be taken more seriously more often - just like if you have what seems to be a cold, but it won't go away - you might have something worth seeing a doctor about.

Anyway, I would do anything in my power to stop someone I love from committing suicide. Noone close to me has ever done it, but it would hurt me if someone did.