Originally posted by Godisnathiest
Y not just self harm then?
I think suicide is the most extreme expression of self-destructive behaviour
So its actually a way of harming yourself
Originally posted by Rogue 27
As for melancholia's comment - doing something for yourself without thinking about the consequences for those around you is selfish by definition.
The word selfish somehow implies that the person is acting that way on purpose
. People suffering from depression arent actually able to see things clearly--->They arent able to see the consequences.... I would label them selfish if they had indeed thought what pain they would cause and said I dont give a damn
.. but actually this is not the case of depressed people
Originally posted by godisnathiest
I don't know, I just can't see how people could do that and not realise how much pain they will cause. I mean they can accept that and do it neway, but I think most people would realise
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Many of you seem to fail to realize that people who seriously contimplate suicide aren't thinking rationally
Originally posted by Johan
Deep depression isn't a mental illness. It's more normal than we'd like to think.
Originally posted by godisnathiest
But its nature does. Everyone suffers from depression at times. Admittedly if it's more severe you could calss it differently, but I don't think classing it as an illness is a good idea
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Being depressed for a few days because your girlfriend dumped you, and suffering from clinical depression are two different things. The former is not an illness, the latter is.
I am with Soul4raziel here
.. Depression is actually an emotional disorder, illness sounds a bit heavy to me ; ) , but anyway the point is that people suffering for depression actually cant think rationally
. As SoulRaziel said clinical depression is sth else,not those feelings of extreme sadness we all get from time to time
Clinical depression is characterized by the existence of some certain symptoms and that these symptoms have a certain duration.Being depressed means that the person is suffering from some kind of irrational/pathological sadness.The person feels that he isnt able to feel happy or laugh even when something joyful happens in his life. He lacks self-esteem In more heavy cases he starts feeling that he is unbearable pain and torment and that every thing is in vain, that his situation will never change etc
Of course every person is different and consequently every case is different and also there are several types of depression,but generally speaking the person feels worthless and actually doesnt show interest for his life and no longer finds enjoyable things in his life,has suicidal thoughts and sometimes is suffering from stress and other symptoms (like problems in sleep etc)
is that really normal???? NO
A person suffering from all these cant actually be so balanced as many of you think
If he/she was able to think estimate rationally his situation he/she wouldnt end up commiting suicide
. Pure and simple
Also,not all depressed people attempt suicide and as well a person commiting suicide is not necessarily a depressed person, but it is true that suicidal people are somehow in some kind of conflict with their environment (like hard family problems, problems at work etc
We cant say those people are selfish
its at least unfair
They are people who are suffering and actually dont intend to harm anybody but themselves. And even if their death will cause a lot of trouble to so many other people,they are just not able to see this. Whether we like it or not, depression is a disorder,it affects ones way of thinking. The person tends to see only the negative side of things
If they were able to see things from some other aspect they wouldnt commit suicide
We all think we could help suicidal people but the truth is that friends and people who care cant help a lot when they have to deal with a person who is considering killing himself. I think this happens because we arent able to see things the way he sees them,realise why he thinks that way and try to make him change their way of thinking
Furthermore it is not rare that the people who are close to a suicidal person fail to see the SOS signals they are sending
or even somehow dont realise that the person needs real help
. It may sound absurd, but it is possible
For example imagine a person that decides to talk about his awful state or his feeling of melancholy and his friends starts saying him oh,theres nothing wrong with you..Its your idea just etc etc do you really think that this person would ever dare to speak to his friend about his awful feeling again??? No way
.. People in dont need to hear that they are fine etc; they do know that they are not fine at all
Generally I think, a hug and empathy can help a lot but treatment by a professional is needed
but how easy is it to force a person go to a shrink?
Personally, if a close person of mine committed suicide, I would never blame him/her as selfish
I would respect his last choice and feel deeply sad that this person wasnt actually helped in an effective way.